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Friday, 17 January 2020 00:00

UNS Students Create Disaster Victims Search Robot

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Three students of Sebelas Maret University (UNS) Solo, Central Java created a prototype of robot that can be used to search victims of natural disasters. The three students are from Electrical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering. They are Nada Syadza Azizah, SyaifullahFilard Latifah and Taufik Widyastama. According to Syaifullah, they named the robot as  Unmounted Ground Vehicle (UGV). The advantages are able to reach zones that are not reachable by humans. For example, volcanic areas that are still active, zones affected by forest fires and zones that are exposed to radioactivity.

Syaifullah explained, they only need three months to make the robot. It is made because Indonesia is located in a disaster-prone area. According to him, every time a natural disaster occurs there are still many victims who cannot be evacuated due to terrain conditions that are difficult to reach by human. Syaifullah added that Rescue UGV is equipped with a camera and infrared so it can detect human body temperature. Humans will look red-yellow when detected using infrared. Infrared camera is used to detect body temperature. Thus it can be known whether it is human or not, still alive or has died. Then, this robot is controlled by an internet network.

This tool will continue to be developed so that its ability can increase. In the future, portable transmitters will be used so that they can be used widely. Since it is still a prototype, it still uses the Wi-Fi network of mobile phones or routers so it can only run as far as 10 meters. The robot wheels are designed like tanks and this prototype is still in small size. Later, the robot will be made bigger so it is more stable when crossing difficult terrain, such as during a landslide or in a ravine. In the future, the robot will be designed so that it can be used to communicate both ways. Currently, new robots can transmit sound from the field.




Read 926 times Last modified on Tuesday, 21 January 2020 14:04