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Friday, 16 February 2018 12:42

4,223 Community Health Centers (Puskesmas) Accredited

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Indonesian Health Minister Nila Farid Moeloek Indonesian Health Minister Nila Farid Moeloek VOI-Sekar

A total of 4,223 of 9,825 Community Health Centers (Puskesmas) in Indonesia have been accredited. It was stated by Indonesian Minister of Health Nila Farid Moeloek after opening the National Seminar and Workshop on Accreditation of First Level Health Facility in Jakarta, Thursday (15/2). According to her, accreditation is a form of efforts to improve the quality of health care facilities to build better governance. Improving access and quality of basic health care and referral services especially in remote, underdeveloped and border areas is one of the main health development goals set out in the National Medium-Term Development Plan 2015-2019. First Level Health Facility is the spearhead of health services to be upgraded. Minister of Nila appreciated that the number of accredited health centers exceeds the target set by the Ministry of Health.

"Our previous target of 2,800 is now 4,200. So, the target exceeds because we also increase the surveyors. So it means that the evaluators are also quite a lot. And it is not easy. The area in Indonesia, you can imagine, if only in West Java, in Jakarta, the condition is good. But in Papua, in the islands, there are health centers which quality controls must be improved. And the problem is also not easy such as one of its human resources. Well he will also be able to help us to improve it again, "said Minister Nila.

Minister Nila Moeloek further explained, after 3 years, the accreditation will be done again to maintain the stability of the quality of the First Level Health Facilities. She hopes, through accreditation, there will be some improvements in management of the First Level Health Facilities, including institutional, program, service risk and quality management. First Level Health Facilities that have completed the process of accreditation and quality improvement on an ongoing basis will gain more benefits in the future. First Level Health Facilities that provide excellent services to the community will increase public trust towards health services in Indonesia. To meet the accreditation, the government has standardized the facilities and human resources at the First Level Health Facilities. (VOI / SEKAR / AHM)

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