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Tuesday, 20 February 2018 03:32

Indonesia, EU Kick off 4th Round of I-EU CEPA Talks

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The Trade Ministry's international trade negotiation director general, Iman Pambagyo(Courtesy of Trade Ministry/File) The Trade Ministry's international trade negotiation director general, Iman Pambagyo(Courtesy of Trade Ministry/File) Trade Ministry
Indonesia and the European Union have commenced the fourth round of talks on the Indonesia-European Union Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (I-EU CEPA) in Surakarta, Central Java. Discussions will run until February 23. Indonesian Trade Ministrys international trade director general, Iman Bambagyo, who chairs the Indonesian delegation, says his side will focus on market access during the talks. Iman said in a statement on Monday 19/2 that the ministry sees the fourth round as important because it marks the beginning of the substantial stages, particularly for market access for goods and services. Other issues to be discussed include those that had been discussed in previous rounds of talks, including the trade of goods and services, investment, intellectual property rights, business competition, sustainable development, small and medium enterprises, capacity cooperation and development. Iman said negotiations on the I-EU-CEPA were expected to be completed this year.  Both parties want to establish modern and comprehensive economic ties. The major issue for Indonesia is a trade barrier for Indonesian palm oil following the decision by the EU Parliament on Jan. 17 to phase out the use of biodiesel manufactured from palm. (JP)
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