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Monday, 26 February 2018 20:31

Communication Ministry Targets Nation-wide Internet Access by 2019

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Indonesian Communication and Information Technology Minister Rudiantara targets all regencies/cities across Indonesia to be connected by high-speed internet by 2019, so everyone can access information anywhere The minister said in Yogyakarta on Sunday(25/2) that the government sides with the people and by 2019 all regencies/cities in Indonesia will be connected by high-speed internet backbone. Minister stated that information supported by high-speed internet is a must in this day and age as information media is shifted from print, electronic and television to online and social media. Minister Rudiantara mentioned that almost 90 percent of regencies/cities in Indonesia are connected by the internet, so by 2019 he expects supporting infrastructure of information technology will be ready. He added, there are 30 regencies/cities in Papua and West Papua that didn’t have high-speed internet backbone infrastructure and government has built such infrastructure there. (Antara)

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