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Friday, 02 March 2018 14:34

President Joko Widodo Supports Severe Punishment for Corruptors, Drug Agents and Terrorists Featured

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President Joko Widodo at the Annual Report of the Supreme Court of 2017 President Joko Widodo at the Annual Report of the Supreme Court of 2017 Rini

President Joko Widodo ensured that the government keeps supporting the Supreme Court's move in realizing a clean, fair and dignified justice. He also pointed out that three perpetrators who had to face severe punishment are corruptors, drug agents and terrorists. This was affirmed by President Joko Widodo at Special Plenary Session of the Annual Report of the Supreme Court of 2017 at the Jakarta Convention Center, Senayan in Jakarta on Friday. On the occasion, he also appreciated the performance of the Supreme Court which continued to improve during 2017. The President advised that the Supreme Court continues to present a credible and trusted judiciary for better legal certainty in Indonesia.

“The government continues to support the Supreme Court's steps in realizing a clean, fair, and dignified justice. It makes all parties discipline in the judicial process. It also decides severe punishment and deterrent effect to the perpetrators of corruption, drug agents, terrorists, and anyone who destroys Indonesian unity, and disrupts justice in our country,” President Joko WIdodo said.

Furthermore, President Joko Widodo hopes that prospective judges who will start working at the Supreme Court can maintain their integrity. He views that the judges with high integrity and profession will produce a fair trial verdict and win the trust of the people and the trust seekers from the international world. (VOI/Rini H)

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