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Monday, 05 March 2018 17:27

F-16 is Ready to Keep Indonesian Archipelago

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Indonesian Air Force fleet is currently getting stronger after strengthened by 24 units of F-16 aircraft as grant project from the Government of the United States through Bima Sena II program. The gradual assistances were officially accepted on February 28 at Iswahjudi Air Base of Madiun. Air Force Chief of Staff, Marshal Yuyu Sutisna, told Radio Republic Indonesia in Yogyakarta on Sunday (4/3) that he believes the existence of 24 F-16 aircrafts could increase air defense capability of the Air Force. From the data of the Air Forces, the aircraft made by American weapons company Lockheed Martin has several advantages, including the ability of the radar to detect targets from 10-200 miles distance. In addition the aircraft is also equipped with a missile with hundreds of miles mileage and equipped with nine hard points for the missile. (KBRN.trs.Rezha)

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