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Minister of Defense, Ryamizard Ryacudu visited Headquarters of Marines Command of the Indonesian Navy in Cilandak Jakarta on Thursday (May 3). The visit aimed to have a close  look at the readiness of the main weaponry system and marine personnel to face all kinds of upcoming challenges.  He calls for marine personnel to keep on training all kinds of combating abilities in a bid to be more ready if instructed to maintain the Unitary State of Republic of Indonesia from disruption such as terrorism or modern war.

“To all officers, be good and smart leaders for your subordinate personnel. They should understand how their subordinates’ lives are. Being leaders can solve problems, not to be a problem. Then, your main duties on the base are two trainings: physical training, and tactical anti-terror and many more. Secondly, they should strengthen their mindset because the upcoming war is mindset. This is very important to support the existence of state and nation of Indonesia,” said Ryamizard Ryacudu.

Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu also emphasized the importance of defense infrastructure development with ideal, effective and firm state performance to anticipate all kinds of threats. He also said that it is necessary to instill awareness value of defending the state as basic fundament of total warfare defense. (VOI/AF/RHM)


The High-level Consultative Forum of World Muslim Scholars has produced a Bogor Message that contains consideration and commitment points. Indonesian President's Special Envoy for Dialogue and Interfaith Cooperation and Civilization, Din Syamsuddin said in Bogor, West Java on Thursday (May 3) that the Bogor message is an agreement among scholars to revitalize the Wasatiyyat Islam paradigm. He also said that the revitalization of the Wasatiyyat Islam paradigm is expected to provide peace amidst all conflicts in the world. He hopes that the revitalization of the Islamic Wasatiyyat paradigm will continue. So, the unity will be maintained.

“Basically, it is a strong agreement for us to revitalize paradigm Wasatiyyat Islam. So, the issue is revitalization, because, the Wasatiyyat Islam paradigm is already here. It is very central in the scriptures and has been applied in history. However, the latter is neglected. In fact, we see there are other expressions of Muslims as well as by outsiders which pose reaction and action. It makes the world frenzied and chaotic. It is not a small thing. We expect it will be a snowball and we hope it will roll out,” Din Syamsuddin said.

Din Syamsuddin added that Indonesian Muslims have historical and religious responsibilities to continue the initiative at the World Muslim Scholars Forum and Muslim Scholars Forum. He hopes that the Muslims of Indonesia can practice the Wasatiyyat Islam in a real and full responsibility. Furthermore, Din Syamsuddin said that besides producing the Bogor Message, the High-level Consultative Forum of Ulama and the World Muslim Scholars also agreed to form the Islamic World Isastiyat Shaft. The axis is centered in Indonesia and will be the center of interfaith world activity and will follow up the Bogor Message as a result of the Summit of Muslim Ulema and Scholars worldwide. (VOI/Ndy/Trans by Rezha/RHM)


Muslim followers as part of the global community should isolate themselves in the global movement. They have to play active part in the global civilization. This was stated by Grand Mufti Emeritus of Bosnia, Mustafa Ceric to RRI World Service-Voice of Indonesia, after wrapping up the three-day High Level Consultation of World Muslim Scholars on Wasatiyyat Islam in Bogor, West Java on Thursday (May 3, 2018). He also said that individual Muslim should be in the center of civilization and provide their knowledge to promote values of civilization. He emphasized that Muslim should not go for assimilation and forget their roots.

“So, it must be active part of this world global movement that we have, and that means that Muslim must avoid isolation, meaning that they feel that they are self sufficient, never in history where Muslim in total self sufficient. But also Muslim should not go for assimilation meaning to forget who they are, what they are, to forget their roots,”  Mustafa Ceric said.

Mustafa further said that Muslim should cooperate with other parts of the world. He emphasized that it is dangerous if any Muslims think that they have to isolate themselves to other part of the global community. But he urged them not to assimilate just because they want to be accepted by others. Thus, Mustafa added that the solution is that Muslim has to practice Wasatiyyat which means they have to put them in balance, stay in the middle, and open for changing but they are still strong with their faith. (VOI/DP/RHM)


Indonesian Vice President, Jusuf Kalla officially closed the High Level Consultation Forum - World Muslim Scholars at Vice Presidential Palace in Jakarta on Thursday (May 3). In his speech, VP Jusuf Kalla hopes that the Forum can contribute to the efforts in a bid to suppress the spread of distorted teachings that could disrupt the stability of the state. He also stated that the spread of doctrine may potentially trigger the creation of conflict in the community. He emphasized the importance of the Ulema’s major role throughout the world to prevent the spread of such deviant teachings by disseminating the true religious teachings to the people.

“That's why, our hope is all in this meeting we may not only think about it but how to stop the teachings that would cause problems in our country,” Vice President Jusuf Kalla said.

Furthermore, Vice President Jusuf Kalla stated that Indonesia has a responsibility to create peace in the world. Until now, Indonesia has managed to reconcile the conflict triggered by deviant teachings circulating in the community. He hopes that this can be transmitted to all Muslims in the world. (VOI/Ndy/Trans by Rezha/RHM)