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Develop Mount Rinjani through Geopark

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Published in Indonesia Today
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The government of West Nusa Tenggara Province, through the concept of geopark, needs to develop Mount Rinjani region into a world tourism destination in Indonesia, following the designation of the area as a global geopark. Mount Rinjani, in the Indonesian island of Lombok in West Nusa Tenggara, has been designated by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as a world geopark and can be developed as a tourist destination of international standard, in an effort to improve the living conditions of the local population.

General Manager of Geopark Rinjani, Chairul Mahsul, stated in West Nusa Tenggara provincial capital of Mataram over the weekend that the UNESCO executive board has designated Geopark Rinjani as a new member of the UNESCO Global Parks. Mahsul, who is also an assistant for economy and development of the secretariat of the West Nusa Tenggara provincial administration, expressed gratitude to all parties for their assistance in achieving the Global Geopark status.

Mount Rinjani is located in Mount Rinjani National Park, which straddles around the four districts of Lombok Utara, Lombok Barat, Lombok Tengah, and Lombok Timur in West Nusa Tenggara Province. One of the charms of the national park is Lake Segara Anak, which is located 2,010 meters above sea level. Part of the lake is located in the 3,726-meter-high volcano. ( antara )


Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) noted that the daily nominal wage of national farm laborers in March 2018 rose by 0.43 percent compared to February 2018. Head of BPS Kecuk Suhariyanto told a press conference in Jakarta on Monday April 16, 2018 that the daily nominal wage increase of farm laborers is also followed by inflation of 0.12 percent or 0.31 percent less than the increase in daily nominal wage of farm laborers.

The wages of farm laborers in March 2018 amounted to 51,598 rupiah per day per person, if we compare with February, there is an increase of 0.43 percent. It should be noted that in March inflation in rural areas was 0.12 percent, so inflation was lower than nominal wages. The real wages of farm laborers in March also increased,” Kecuk Suhariyanto said.

Kecuk Suhariyanto also explained that the difference of 0.31 percent between the daily nominal wage of farm laborers and the inflation in rural areas caused the daily real wage of farm laborers to increase from 37,486 rupiah per day to Rp37,602 per day. The real wages of the workers illustrate the purchasing power of income or wages received by workers. The real wage is the ratio between nominal wage and household consumption index. Kecuk Suhariyanto expected inflation to be under control so that people's purchasing power, especially in rural areas, is not disturbed, especially before Ramadhan and Eid al-Fitri festivity. (VOI/REZA/trans-Rezha/DP)


Indonesia has 4 world natural heritages. One of them, is the tropical rain forest inSumatera which is in the List of the Endangered World Heritage. Director of Heritage and Cultural Diplomacy, Directorate General of Culture, Ministry of Education and Culture, NadjamuddinRamly said his office received Monitoring Mission Reactive Team or International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). On a press conference, Nadjamuddin said on Monday (16/4) that receiving the reactive team proved that the government commits to secure one of the world natural heritages. The team will conduct monitoringand giving input which will be conveyed on the World Heritage Committee meeting in Bahrain this year.

“It becomes the center of the attention of UNESCO because they hope our protected forest parks to be the lungs of the world, home to various kinds of living creatures and various kinds of flora and fauna. We grow there, in biological and genetic aspects. Rapid response team of UNESCO proves that the United Nations gives attention,” NadjamuddinRamly said.

Nadjamuddin also explained that based on  the IUCN report, it will be determined whether the tropical rain forest in Sumatera is still be able to be declared as the world cultural heritage. Meanwhile, various efforts have been done by the government to save tropical rain forest in Sumatera. One of them is through empowering the surrounding community. This was stated by Head of the Department of History and World Heritage of the Coordinating Ministry for Human and Cultural Development, DohardoPakpahan in the same occasion. DohardoPakpahan recognized that the efforts have not been maximal. However, his office is optimistic to be able to secure tropical rain forest from damage. (VOISEKAR/trans-yati/DP)


April 18 is adopted as World Heritage Day and ratified by 167 countries including Indonesiaduring the 22nd UNESCO General Conference. This year, the theme of the World Heritage Day is “Inheritance for Generations”. As a member of the World Heritage committee in 2015-2019, Indonesia participates in celebrating World Heritage Day by organizing exhibitions and talks on world Cultural Heritage themed "Sharing Stories, Sharing Knowledge".

Director of Heritage and Cultural Diplomacy, Directorate General of Culture, Ministry of Education and Culture, Nadjamuddin Ramly saidthis activity is taking place on April 16 to 20. At a press conference on Monday, April 16, Ramly express his will that the activity would develop communication and knowledge transfer between generations.

“Why do we commemorate the day of this world heritage, because it is important for us to show, we pass on to our children and grandchildren. This millennial generation will no longer have the pride of the past, if the world's cultural heritage is unprotected,” NadjamuddinRamly said.

Ramly further explained, Indonesia has 17 world heritages that have been set by UNESCO includingBorobudur andPrambanantemples, Sangiran and Subak ancient human sites. While 9 inherited cultural heritage such as batik, angklung, wayang, kris, saman dance, noken, batik making methodology, phinisi and 3 genres of Balinese dance. Besides, there are several natural cultural heritage including Ujung Kulon National Park, Komodo National Park, Lorentz National Park and Tropical Rain Forest Heritage in Sumatra. In 2017, Indonesia has 594 intangible cultural heritages. In the future, Indonesia will propose Old Town and coal mining system, Ombilin Sawah Lunto as the world heritage. (VOI/SEKAR//trans Sekar/DP)