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Indonesian President Joko Widodo, Monday in Tegal Central Java, commented on the rice import decisions made by the Indonesian Ministry of Trade. After reviewing the implementation of cash-for-work program at Dukuh Lor, Lebaksiu Sub-district, Tegal regency, on Monday, January 15th the President said the rice import plan is intended to strengthen domestic rice reserves while anticipating regional rice price fluctuations.


"That is to strengthen our rice reserves, so there will be no price fluctuations in some regions," President Joko Widodo said.

Earlier Indonesian Minister of Trade Enggartiasto Lukita announced plans to import 500 thousand tons of government rice from Vietnam. In a press statement, Enggartiasto explained that the rice to be imported is a special kind of rice or premium rice. Meanwhile, Head of the Agricultural Human Resources Development and Development Agency of the Ministry of Agriculture, Momon Rusmono, said the rice imported by the Ministry of Trade is categorized into special rice, aimed primarily at health, hotels, restaurants and catering. In the sale of such rice will not be traded to the public. (Ndy trans by Rezha)


Indonesian President Joko Widodo said the government supports the House of Representatives' decision to inaugurate Bambang Soesatyo from the Golkar Party Faction as the House Speaker replacing Setya Novanto. He said the government appreciated the political dynamics at the House and respected all the resulting decisions. Furthermore, the President hopes that the government and the House of Representatives (DPR) can continue cooperation to support development in Indonesia.

“It is the dynamics of the House of Representatives. It is the territory of the people's council; there are political dynamics. When elected democratically of course the government supports the decision. Really appreciate it, respect the decision. We hope the cooperation between the government and the House of Representatives will be better,” President Joko Widodo said.

A politician of Golkar Party Bambang Soesatyo was officially inaugurated as House Speaker replacing Setya Novanto. He was inaugurated in a plenary session of the House of Representatives at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, led by Vice Chairman of the House Agus Hermanto and attended by 307 House members. (Ndy trans by Rezha)





Hundreds of athletes from the National Paralympic Committee (NPC) Indonesia, Monday, January 15 began to be groomed at the national training in Solo, Central Java. The training held at various venues in preparation for the Asian Para Games (APG) 2018 Games will be held in Jakarta in October. President of NPC Indonesia, Senny Marbun in Solo on Monday said the training in Solo will last for 10 months to 15 days before the game. Commenting on the target of NPC Indonesia as stated by President Joko Widodo to enter in the top five, Senny Marbun admitted he will try his best.

“That's a challenge. We must do our best because it is the president's order. We will try maximally," Senny Marbun said.

Furthermore, Senny said, National Paralympic Committee (NPC) Indonesian contingent is expected to contribute about 23 gold medals to reach Asia’s top five. According to Senny Marbun, Indonesia has a chance to grab medals in badminton, swimming, chess, table tennis, athletics, and weight lifting. At Asian Para Games (APG) 2018 Jakarta, Indonesian NPC contingent will take part in all 18 sports contested. Of the 18 branches, five of them are new sports namely wheelchair basketball, fencing, boccia, judo, and cycling. (Dewi trans by Rezha)


At least 30 Heads of State and Government, and 17,000 delegates are scheduled to attend the IMF-World Bank annual meeting, in Bali, in October this year. This is certainly very helpful for Bali, as it can increase the number of tourist arrivals and support the local income. The chairman of Bali Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin), Anak Agung Ngurah Alit Wiraputra told reporters in Sanur, Bali on Monday January, 15th. Wiraputra considers the IMF-World Bank annual meeting can be a blessing for the Island of the Gods.


“The IMF and the World Bank Meeting will be on October, 12 to 14. But the effects, they've been preparing it since January, until October,” Anak Agung Ngurah Alit Wiraputra said.


Alit Wiraputra said the annual meeting of the IMF-World Bank will give a multiplier effect. The whole sectors are considered to get a blessing from the international event. Wiraputra believes the arrival of the delegation will boost extraordinary money circulation in Bali. He calculates 800 billion rupiah will be spent for the event and 17 thousand delegates are expected to contribute about 1.5 trillion rupiah income. (Rifai trans by Rezha)