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“…We are also in the process of realizing ASEAN Vision 2025. Against this backdrop the role of ASEAN Secretary General and ASEAN Secretariat are vital and crucial in supporting ASEAN to achieve its institutionalization and community building goals. So that, ASEAN can be more responsive and relevant by providing support and advice as requested to ensure that the act in complementarity and also monitoring the progress of our commitment,”  said Retno Marsudi.          


Furthermore, Minster Retno views that ASEAN is currently entering the second phase of its 50-year term. The term which is challenging faces various spheres starting from the regional disputes to terrorism act.


In addition to providing benefit towards people and playing significant role in maintaining peace and stability in the region, Minister Retno Marsudi reasons that ASEAN must contribute more to the global development. She emphasized that ASEAN needs unity to strengthen its role in the global community and strengthen ASEAN centrality. (Ndy)



Head of Indonesian National Cyber and Encryption Agency–BSSN, Joko Setiady at the meeting with Media at BSSN Building in Jakarta on Friday afternoon  (05/01) explained that BSSN will be neutral at democratic party both Regional  and Presidential elections, He affirmed that his agency keeps on guarding Indonesia from cybercrime coming from anywhere.


“…Just believe that BSSN is never partial to one group or one party at regional and presidential elections. BSSN is neutral; we only protect security if there is distract electronically. We can imagine today’s advanced technology. BSSN will be ready to secure unwanted cybercrime and certain disputes or modified crime,” said Joko Setiady.


Related to social media, Joko Setiady said that social media does not know timeline and content limit. So, BSSN does not overcome social media for a while. However, social media will be overcome by Ministry of Communication and Information Technology. (VOI-AF)






Indonesian National Cyber and Encryption Agency -BSSN is a new institution established by the Indonesian government to provide security aspect and state protection from cybercrime. It has directly done concrete steps to fulfill facilities and infrastructure, including the preparedness of human resources as efforts to support its duties. This was affirmed by Head of the Agency, Joko Setiady at the meeting with Media at BSSN Building in Jakarta on Friday afternoon (05/01).


“…For short term agenda, BSSN is to secure and protect cyber space for Indonesia. This agency needs to recruit more human resources. Of course, BSSN will recruit new staff to foster the agency. We will also prepare phase. Even as information, the budget of BSSN will be discussed at Commission I of House of Representative in January 16th,” Joko Setiady said.



 Joko Setiady also said that besides securing governmental institution and private sectors, BSSN is expected to protect all people from cybercrime in any form. Even, it also protects people from terrorism through early detection. (VOI-AF)


Indonesia will refurbish 1,592 traditional markets across the country this year as part of President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo's nine-pronged and domestic-focused Nawacita development program. Trade Minister Enggartiasto Lukita said recently that a  total of Rp 5.5 trillion ($409 million) will be made available to modernize the  markets through co-administration funding, special allocation funding and under the management of the Cooperatives and Small Businesses Ministry. Enggartiasto said the government faces many challenges in trying to modernize traditional markets, ranging from budget limitations to protests from market’s sellers. He told reporters during a press conference in Jakarta that it’s not easy to rebuild or move traditional markets.. The government has already refurbished 2,715 traditional markets since 2015 till last year, out of an eventual target of 5,000 markets by 2019. ///