Indonesia and the Netherlands have discussed cooperation in the health sector, particularly in family medicine, antimicrobial resistance and the health of the elderly.
While attending the 72nd World Health Assembly meeting in Geneva on Monday, Indonesian Health Minister Nila Moeloek met with Dutch Minister of Health Services Bruno Johannes Bruins to discuss national health programs.
In her statement, Tuesday, Moeloek said the Netherlands was well known for delivering superior care to its citizens through its family doctor programs.
"We see primary health care as a gatekeeper. An example is in cervical cancer screening, which can be performed at community health centers or 'puskesmas'. Thus, people do not have to travel to distant health facilities, they can just go to 'puskesmas' or independent clinics," she said.
Also, the two ministers discussed an upcoming meeting on antimicrobial resistance, to be held in the Netherlands in June.
Minister Moeloek noted that she was grateful for the Netherlands hosting the event and naming Indonesia as co-chair of this meeting.
"We hope that this conference will generate ideas and recommendations, as well as methods to control antimicrobial resistance at the global level," she added.
The meeting of the two ministers concluded with an agreement to promote the development of three areas of cooperation, including strengthening the health system with a focus on medical care for the elderly; control of infectious diseases, including antimicrobial resistance; and global health security.
Such an agreement would be followed by an MoU, in a bid to carry out actions proposed at the meeting.
"Not only what is being discussed, but more important is how to implement those programs in Indonesia. So it is not just us discussing theories, but instead taking action," Moeloek noted. (ant)
The 8th meeting of the RI-Iran Bilateral Consultation Commission (KKB) took place in Jakarta, May 15.2019. The meeting was chaired jointly by Desra Percaya, Director General of the Asia Pacific and Africa (Aspasaf) of the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Mahmoud Farazandeh, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran and Oceania Affairs of the Iranian Foreign Ministry to discuss important issues related to the two countries' political, economic, cooperation. socio-cultural information, consular affairs and other important issues in the region as well as mapping future bilateral cooperation action plans.
Both sides view Iran's RI bilateral relations as going well until now and there are still a number of potentials that can be developed and improved. RI-Iran's political relations were marked by mutual visits by officials from both countries, including efforts to increase cooperation in capacity building between Parliament of the two countries. In addition, in the field of trade economics, both parties agreed to continue to carry out cooperation, especially related to the Iran situation which was hit by economic sanctions by the US, the need to use all capabilities to encourage cooperation between the two countries, especially the mechanism of financial transactions.
Meanwhile in the field of social media, various opportunities for cooperation in the fields of education, research, health, culture, tourism and women's empowerment are mentioned. The two parties also discussed developments in the regional and international situation including the Palestinian, spiritual and regional and international organizations such as ASEAN, the OIC and the United Nations.
The meeting has resulted in constructive dialogue in various fields, both countries agreed to continue to increase cooperation in various fields and develop other potential cooperation (kemenlu)
West Java Regional Secretary (Sekda) Iwa Karniwa said that the West Java Provincial Government has discussed the planned capital participation of state-owned airport operator PT Angkasa Pura (AP) II in PT West Java International Airport (BIJB).
"Recently, the West Java Provincial Government has held a discussion on the planned 25 percent ownership of the state-owned company (BUMN) in PT BIJB," Iwa Karniwa said in Bandung on Monday.
Iwa said that he had asked PT BIJB to discuss the amount of capital participation to be paid annually by AP II.
According to Iwa, the figure of IDR 625 billion will be considered during meetings between PT BIJB, a state regional company (BUMD), and the BUMN, which manages Kertajati Airport in Majalengka.
"Regarding how much per year and what month will be paid, they will have a follow-up meeting," he said.
He added that in addition to finalizing the AP II plan to become a shareholder in BUMD, which is majority owned by the West Java Provincial Government, it also ensures that there is the remaining 11 percent of shares to be offered to foreign investors from Malaysia.
"We also encourage interested parties to target 11 percent of the shares. We are open to the first to enter PT BIJB," he said.
The party has calculated that if converted into rupiah, the 11.6 percent share is equivalent to Rp260 billion-Rp290 billion.
He said that from the two planned capital participation, he hoped that one of them could be realized immediately, considering that PT BIJB needed capital participation funds in the near future.
"So the first to make a deposit to BIJB is due to the need now," said Iwa.
If PT Angkasa Pura II (AP II) has officially injected capital into PT Bandarudara Internasional West Java (PT BIJB) of 25 percent, or Rp. 625 billion, it will be used for airport operations and paying off debts.
Director of PT Bandarudara Internasional West Java (BIJB) Muhamad Singgih said the financial problems of his company involved paying off debts in syndicated Islamic banking, both in terms of principal and margin. In addition, it also pays debts to contractors.
"If there is money coming from any investor, the equity we will use will not only be for operations, but also for reducing the debt burden to contractors," Singgih said. (ant)
The Mayor of Batam in the Riau Islands, Muhammad Rudi, wants to revive the shipyard industry, which once was known as the finest shipyard throughout Asia Pacific. Muhammad Rudi said in Batam on Monday that efforts to revive the shipyard industry would include development of its infrastructure, along with assistance from the many industrial concerns in Sagulung.
"We will begin operating the shipyard again, and will rebuild the road going to the industrial area," said the mayor.
He stated that the government also wanted to improve the roads in Batuaji and Sagulung to support the shipbuilding industry, while at the same time aiding the local community.
"We want to revive Batu Aji and Sagulung. They used to make their livings from the shipyard," he said.
Further, the construction of the Great Mosque in Batuaji, also due to the efforts of the mayor, will reduce the need for workers to drive as far as they currently travel for Friday prayer.
In addition to the place of worship, the mayor hopes that the Great Mosque of Batuaji can stimulate the economy of the people in the surrounding community.
The Great Mosque was also designed as a religious tourism site for Muslims from throughout the archipelago, as well as foreign tourists, especially from Singapore and Malaysia. The mayor noted that if the new mosque becomes a religious tourist destination that is visited by many tourists, then the local community must take advantage of such opportunities.
The plan for building the mosque, with a capacity for 25 thousand worshipers, is to be inaugurated in September 2019. (ant)