President Joko Widodo officially opened the 21st international handicraft trade (INACRAFT) exhibition at the Jakarta Convention Center on Wednesday (Apr 24). In his remarks, the President appreciated the improvement in the implementation of INACRAFT which continues to improve every year. These advancements include increasing production quality and capacity, as well as employment. Nevertheless, the President said, that Indonesian handicrafts only covered around 1.26 percent of the international market share. Therefore President Joko Widodo encourages the creative industries of Indonesia and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises to continue to increase creativity and innovation, in developing products on the international market.
"we must continue to be innovative creative in opening the market and penetration of international market share, with handicraft products. We are looking for non-traditional markets, as well as improving the quality of Indonesian products, since the international markets also like Indonesian brands" President said.
The 21st international handicraft trade exhibition (INACRAFT) in 2019 is held at the Jakarta Convention Center from April 24-28, 2019.This year INACRAFT accommodates 1700 companies from all regions in Indonesia and occupies 1400 exhibition stands.Some friendly countries such as Morocco, Japan, Poland, Pakistan and Hong Kong will enliven the exhibition by displaying their craft products// Ndy/Trs.N
On the occassion of World Environment Day which falls on June 5, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry will hold the 23rd Environment and Forestry Week on July 11 to 13, 2019. Lingkungan bersih bebas Sampah (clean environment free waste) is the theme that will be raised at this year's Environment and Forestry Week.Head of Public Relations Bureau, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Djati Witjaksono on Tuesday (April 23) in Manggala Wanabakti, Jakarta, said that the awareness of the Indonesian people about clean and healthy live, marked by the eastablishment of 9,000 waste banks throughout Indonesia.
"It is hope with the Environment Day,people and many parties will realize on the existence ofwaste bank. Students are now getting more active. Three years ago there were only 300 waste banks, but now more than 9,000 waste banks are available throughout Indonesia. Then, the performance of the local government has increased considerably compared from last year" Djati said.
Djati Witjaksono added that the activity is a series of events of the Clean Indonesia Movement, which had been launched recently in Jakarta. The activity that has been carried out since 1996 is a means of community development through campaigns and Environmental Education, which is aimed to increase public awareness on forest conservation aspect, environmental improvement and increasing economic value// NK
"We gather here not for donations, but we are here for solidarity for our brothers in Palestine," said a statement from Prince Hassan bin Talal at the inauguration of the delivery of humanitarian assistance to the Indonesian community through zakat funds collected by Baznas (National Agency of Amil Zakat).
Humanitarian assistance in the form of an Eye Clinic (ophthalmology clinic) and Ear Nose and Throat Clinic (ear nose and throat / ENT clinic) handed over on 21 April 2019 to the Jordanian MAP (Medical Aid for Palestinian Clinic) in this Palestinian refugee camp in Talbiyah is a collaboration Baznas with JHCO (Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization).
In front of invited guests consisting of philanthropies donors, JHCO, Palestinian refugee community leaders, and invited guests totaling around 100 people, Prince Hassan stressed that the presence of Baznas in refugee camps was not just to provide assistance but was more called for a high sense of solidarity the Indonesian people to the Palestinian people and also close relations with the Kingdom of Jordan. He hopes that this collaboration will continue and develop so that the blessings can be felt by all people.
The Indonesian Ambassador to Jordan, Andy Rachmianto, stated that humanitarian assistance to Palestinian refugees was an integral part of Indonesia's support for the Palestinian struggle for independence. In particular, the Indonesian Ambassador expressed his high appreciation for the Jordanian government's response to initiatives from non-governmental institutions that wished to share with refugees in need.
The Indonesian Embassy in Amman also greatly appreciated the direct role of Baznas in collaborating with JHCO in supporting humanitarian diplomacy activities launched by the Indonesian President Jokowi as one of the forms of Indonesian foreign policy implementation. This form of cooperation between Baznas and JHCO could be used as a model for other countries in reducing the burden of Palestinian refugees.
Baznas, represented by Commissioner Irsyadul Halim, stressed that the concern of the Indonesian people for the Palestinian people is very high. For this reason, BAZNAS facilitates Indonesian people who like to share and distribute it to Palestinian refugees in Jordan.
At this initial stage, the collaboration between Baznas and JHCO prioritized the health sector through the construction of clinics and procurement of medicines distributed through 3 (three) units of clinics managed by Jordanian MAP in Gaza refugee camps, Hattien refugee camps, and Talbiyah refugee camps.
The submission of humanitarian assistance is a follow up to the collaboration between Baznas and JHCO which was signed on October 8, 2018 in Jakarta, which was witnessed directly by Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno LP Marsudi and Palestinian Foreign Minister Riad Malki.
Baznas has distributed aid amounting to USD 150,000 which is a humanitarian fund that was submitted through the Indonesian Ambassador Amman on January 7, 2019 and in the form of medical assistance to the MAP clinic in the Gaza refugee camp in Jerash.
In addition to JHCO, Baznas also collaborates with UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East). In the initial phase, Indonesian humanitarian aid has been channeled to USD 150,000. The collaborative program that is being initiated by Baznas with UNRWA currently focuses more on education programs.
The mobilization of Indonesian community funds to help educate Palestinian refugee children will soon be launched before Ramadan next month. "Let's help realize the ideals and future of Palestinian children better," said Ambassador Andy. (kemenlu)
The Indonesian government continues to strive to promote and promote South-South Cooperation among developing countries. To maximize the efforts intended, all parties involved are expected to have the capacity and capability in the field of governance and management to provide international assistance projects for foreign countries.
To realize this, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs cooperates with the Master of Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business - Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta to provide Technical Guidance on Capacity Building for Indonesian SSC Organizers in Project Management in Yogyakarta on 22-26 April 2019.
This activity aims to improve the capacity and quality of HR in Government Ministries / Institutions in Indonesia, especially in the management of Indonesia's international assistance. It is hoped that this activity can further enhance the understanding and ability of the participants in designing international aid programs, especially within the framework of South South Cooperation. It is believed that the success of a training program begins with good planning.
The training was officially opened by Ambassador Diar Nurbintoro from the Directorate of Technical Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Monday (22/4), and was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business - Gadjah Mada University and lecturers at FEB UGM.
In his speech, Ambassador Diar Nurbintoro said that the Indonesian Government stressed the importance of the role of South-South Cooperation and Triangular Indonesia in achieving the Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and had a great responsibility in implementing the intended Cooperation. Various Indonesian international assistance is a form of the Indonesian Government's commitment. He added that Indonesia's involvement in South South Cooperation had gained international recognition. In September 2018, Indonesia received an award from the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) and the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC) for its contribution to South South Cooperation, especially in the Pacific region.
While the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business - Universitas Gadjah Mada expressed his gratitude and appreciation for the trust given to carry out the training. He added that this activity was also in line with the vision and mission of UGM to provide the maximum benefit to the Indonesian people.
The Directorate of Technical Cooperation hopes that through this program organizers at various K / L in Indonesia can plan and implement Indonesian international assistance projects and programs.
The training was attended by 21 participants from BPOM, KKP, Kemenpar, Ministry of Manpower, Ministry of Communication and Information, Ministry of Agriculture, BBIB Singosari, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of State Secretariat, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Social Affairs. The training material was focused on the EPM mindset of Portfolio and Project Management, Project Cycle Management, LFA-based Monitoring and Evaluation, Sustainable Project Planning and Budgeting, Preparation of Project Proposals for FS, Goods and Services Procurement Contracts. (kemenlu)