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Indonesia and Australia will expand their cooperation in digital sector through several initiatives that have been discussed during the Indonesia-Australia Digital Forum 2018 at Fairmont Hotel in Jakarta. This forum is an initiative of President, Joko Widodo and Australian Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull. During a press conference in Jakarta on Thursday February 1st, 2018), Indonesian Minister of Communication and Information Technology, Rudiantara stated that Indonesia has begun to prepare all documents in digital form with good protection.

“…The government embarks the initiative all issues, all permits or licensed issuance have to go online. Starting this year, President instructed that every permit or license applied by the bisness have to go by single submission process which is online. That is the transparency from the government. The transparency in general has to go along with the private data protection and the government is preparing the law for private data protection. We have discussed it with the parliament but hopefully soon it will be part of Indonesian National Legislative Program (Prolegnas). That is Indonesian transparency and how we have to protect the privacy of the people of Indonesia,” said Rudiantara.

Minister Rudiantara added that to convert all analog data into digital , Indonesia is cooperating with Australia through the Indonesia-Australia Digital Forum held in Jakarta on January 31st to February 1st 2018./// (VOI/NK/EDT AHM)


President Joko Widodo wants the foreign workers permit which is until now still complicated to be immediately simplified. Cabinet Secretary, Pramono Anung quoted the President as saying in Jakarta on Wednesday after a limited cabinet meeting chaired by President Joko Widodo. It is realized that until now, many things related to foreign workers permit are still complicated. Secretary Pramono also remarked that if this is not immediately resolved, a Presidential Regulation (Perpres) will be issued to regulate it. He further said, the foreign workers in question are those who have the knowledge and the capacity and also needed in Indonesia, instead of the foreign field workers. This effort is to boost the "ease of doing business" in Indonesia to be more competitive even though Indonesia`s investment grade has improved. (Ant)


kemlu terima MILF

Retno  Marsudi recieves MILF Delegation and UNDP delegation (


Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi, on Thursday received a visit from the delegation of Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) of South Philippines.

Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Arrmanatha Nasir, said in Jakarta on Thursday that the purpose of the MILF`s visit to Indonesia was to learn the successful peace process in Aceh Province.

"The foreign minister has conveyed her support to the ongoing efforts in South Philippines in order to achieve peace, and she has also encouraged all parties, including MILF, to contribute to the peace building process and to maintain peace," Nasir stated about the meeting.

During their visit to Indonesia, the MILF delegation was scheduled to meet several representatives of Indonesian Islamic organization, such as Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah, and also the Vice President Jusuf Kalla.

"Indonesia has been consistent and active in enabling the peace process in South Philippines since the 90s, including its involvement in the International Monitoring Team (IMT) in the South Philippines," Nasir revealed.


VP receives Moro Islamic Liberation Front delegationVice President Jusuf Kalla, Thursday, received the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) delegation keen on taking a cue from the country on conflict settlement amid the fight between the armed group and Philippines military.

"We discussed and shared information, and he had just visited Aceh to observe the progress in the province. They want to learn from the progress achieved in Indonesia," Kalla noted after receiving the delegation of MILF and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) at the Vice President`s office.

Kalla said he had shared his experience in encouraging peace in Aceh that was torn by a prolonged conflict between the armed group and the Indonesian military.

"Of course, in our experience, in every peace mission there must be firstly, mutual respect and secondly, a compromise. We want to help them. Until now, we still have 10 monitoring teams in Manila," he remarked.

Meanwhile, MILF Chief Murad Ebrahem noted that the group will follow the example set by Indonesia in conflict settlement by taking a cue from the country`s experience in Aceh.

Representatives of MILF, UNDP, and Indonesia`s Foreign Ministry have paid a visit to Aceh to witness development in the region after the peace agreement.

"We came here to learn from Indonesia`s experience, especially from the vice president, in addressing the conflict in Aceh. We are facing a similar situation now, and we have visited Aceh. We are impressed by the development there following the tsunami and conflict," Ebrahem noted. (antaranews)