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Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi on Monday received a 30-minute call from US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs tweeted on Monday that Tillerson, during the phone call, conveyed the US` wish to improve its bilateral relation with Indonesia. Marsudi and Tillerson also discussed issues of Palestine, especially the US' plan to withhold millions of dollars of humanitarian aid for UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which is the UN agency for Palestinian refugees. Marsudi told Tillerson that US should carefully consider the plan in cutting its contribution to UN Relief Agency. Spokesperson of Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Arrmanatha Nasir noted in Jakarta on Monday that Minister Retno Marsudi expected that the US` move would not have a negative impact on the education and housing programs for the Palestinian refugees During the phone call, Marsudi and Tillerson also discussed the idea of a fair, open, and transparent regional architecture in Indo-Pacific region to promote the ecosystem of peace, stability, and prosperity in the region.////Antara


Indonesian President Joko Widodo reviewed the implementation of the cash for work program implemented by the Ministry of Public Works and People's Housing, in Dukuh Lor, Lebaksiu subdistrict, Tegal regency, Central Java. President Joko Widodo told the press that the program which was started in 2017 to support the people's economy. In the labor-intensive program implemented by the Ministry, the government mobilized a number of communities to improve the 130 hectares irrigation channel. According to the President, the program will provide benefits for the improvement of the community's economy.

"Cash for work, is labor-intensive. we just started the program a year ago, then we have started to make tertiary irrigation. wages for a construction worker is 100 thousand while 80 thousand for helper according to the standards of wage in Tegal and surrounding areas, and paid once a week. I think this is a lot of benefit, it can increase the money circulating in the community and we expect the level of consumption, the purchasing power of the local is getting more increase, because there is cash for work, both in the ministry of Public Works, the ministry of transportation, Ministry of Marine and Fisheries- KKP, all will complete this work . There are 150-160 workers who work here", President Joko Widodo said.

President Joko Widodo further mentioned that the cash for work program is implemented by 19 ministries and institutions throughout Indonesia. Cash for work is a government program in encouraging economic equity among the community. This program is implemented to support the Village Fund program that has been running for three years//   Ndy/Trs.N


Indonesian President Joko Widodo, Monday in Tegal Central Java, commented on the rice import decisions made by the Indonesian Ministry of Trade. After reviewing the implementation of cash-for-work program at Dukuh Lor, Lebaksiu Sub-district, Tegal regency, on Monday, January 15th the President said the rice import plan is intended to strengthen domestic rice reserves while anticipating regional rice price fluctuations.


"That is to strengthen our rice reserves, so there will be no price fluctuations in some regions," President Joko Widodo said.

Earlier Indonesian Minister of Trade Enggartiasto Lukita announced plans to import 500 thousand tons of government rice from Vietnam. In a press statement, Enggartiasto explained that the rice to be imported is a special kind of rice or premium rice. Meanwhile, Head of the Agricultural Human Resources Development and Development Agency of the Ministry of Agriculture, Momon Rusmono, said the rice imported by the Ministry of Trade is categorized into special rice, aimed primarily at health, hotels, restaurants and catering. In the sale of such rice will not be traded to the public. (Ndy trans by Rezha)


Indonesian President Joko Widodo said the government supports the House of Representatives' decision to inaugurate Bambang Soesatyo from the Golkar Party Faction as the House Speaker replacing Setya Novanto. He said the government appreciated the political dynamics at the House and respected all the resulting decisions. Furthermore, the President hopes that the government and the House of Representatives (DPR) can continue cooperation to support development in Indonesia.

“It is the dynamics of the House of Representatives. It is the territory of the people's council; there are political dynamics. When elected democratically of course the government supports the decision. Really appreciate it, respect the decision. We hope the cooperation between the government and the House of Representatives will be better,” President Joko Widodo said.

A politician of Golkar Party Bambang Soesatyo was officially inaugurated as House Speaker replacing Setya Novanto. He was inaugurated in a plenary session of the House of Representatives at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, led by Vice Chairman of the House Agus Hermanto and attended by 307 House members. (Ndy trans by Rezha)