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Ani Hasanah


Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Indonesia Jalal Mirzayev on Tuesday visited RRI Yogyakarta office and was received by RRI Yogyakarta Head Retno Desy Swasri. On the occasion of his visit, Ambassador Mirzayev also conducted an interview at ProSatu RRI Yogyakarta. Ambassador Mirzayev shared his meeting with the Governor of Yogyakarta (DIY) Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X in Kepatihan some time earlier. Both agreed to hold regular meetings every year.

"I had the opportunity to meet with his Majesty. My impression is quite extraordinary. We had a versatile conversation, how can we promote Azerbaijan in the province of Yogyakarta and vice versa, how can we promote the province of Yogyakarta in Azerbaijan. So we had delivered our position, so we have some points to be elaborated and we had agreed to meet annually to discuss for the benefit of our two countries,” said Ambassador Jalal.

Ambassador Jalal Mirzayev also said that in a meeting with Yogyakarta Governor Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X there was a desire, especially from the Sultan, to develop a twin city or Sister-city between Yogyakarta and one of the main cities in Azerbaijan.

"Baku is actually a multi-cultural city, we have Azerbaijanists, we have Russians, we have a lot of ethnic groups living in the capital of Azerbaijan, Baku. We have mosques, we have church. Azerbaijan is a multi-cultural society. So we have lived with all ethnic groups, shoulder and shoulder, to develop Azerbaijan. This is also one of the main points then we discussed with His Majesty for the possibility of having  Sister-City. We have worked on it and I think we are in the right track so we will succeed in having a sister city, Yogyakarta and one of the main cities in Azerbaijan," Ambassador further said.

According to Ambassador Mirzayev, Azerbaijan also wants to attract tourists from Indonesia to visit Azerbaijan, especially those who travel Umrah from Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia, because the distance between Saudi Arabia and Azerbaijan is only 2-3 hour flight. (RRI Yogyakarta/ MUNARSIH / AHM)


President Joko Widodo inaugurated the Balikpapan-Samarinda toll road sections II, III and IV, Tuesday (12/17/2019). The inauguration took place at the Samboja toll gate in Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan.  In his remarks, the President expressed his hope that the first toll road on the island of Kalimantan could increase connectivity both between communities and the mobility of goods. It is also hoped that the Balikpapan-Samarinda toll road will also be able to encourage the development of potential industrial areas in Kalimantan such as palm oil and coal. The President also said that this toll road would later accelerate access into the new capital region of Indonesia.


"So firstly, these toll roads will facilitate connectivity between the two growth centers in East Kalimantan, Samarinda city and Balikpapan city which are cities of business economic activity. Secondly, this toll road will also encourage production areas such as industries in the palm oil sector, coal oil gas commodities and agricultural commodities directly connected to the distribution area. Thirdly, this toll road will accelerate access to enter the area that we have decided, namely the national capital region," said the President.

President Joko Widodo has just inaugurated the Balikpapan-Samarinda toll road sections II, III and IV, with a total length of 57.8 km. Overall the Balikpapan-Samarinda toll road has a length of 99.3 km. The President is targeting the construction of the last two sections, namely sections I and V, to be completed in 2020.

Accompanying the President were Minister of Public Works and Public Housing Basuki Hadimuljono, Minister of State Enterprises Erick Tohir, Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian, Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung and East Kalimantan Governor Isran Noor. (VOI / Ndy / AHM)


President Joko Widodo continued the agenda of his working visit in the province of East Kalimantan, Tuesday (12/17/2019) afternoon, by visiting the location of Indonesia’s new capital city. The location that the President visited was in the concession area of ​​PT ITCI at Sepaku District, Penajam Paser Utara Regency.

This is the first visit of the Head of State after the government decided North Pener Pasajam and Kutai Kartanegara as the nation's capital.

The President explained that 256 thousand hectares of land would be used and reserved for the new state capital region. Of this area, 56 thousand hectares will be used for the core area, with a government area of ​​5,600 hectares.

According to the Head of State, the location of the Palace will be determined after the idea design is decided then drawn in detail, which is expected to be completed within 6 months. The President hopes that the infrastructure development will begin in mid 2020.


"But what will be done first is the government area of ​​5600 government clusters, which later we hope it will also be parallel with the construction of health clusters, education clusters, research and innovation, financial centers. so clearly the location is very supportive for a smart city, complex city, then green city, said the President.

In terms of regulations, the President said that the government would immediately submit a draft law (RUU) related to the new national capital to the House of Representatives (DPR).

Meanwhile, related to the form of the new state capital administration later, the President said that the matter would be discussed by the government together with the Parliament.

The process of moving the national capital will be carried out by the Capital Authority Agency (BOI). The President said an authority agency is scheduled to be established in the end of December.


"This is what is being processed, whether this is what we call a city, which will be there in the city manager or later a province. This is what will be decided soon. but most importantly, the Capital Authority Agency (BOI) will soon be formed in late December or early January," said President Joko Widodo.

Until now, the Head of State himself has not yet decided who will lead the Capital Authority. Accompanying the President while observing the location of the new capital city were, among others, Minister / Head of National Development Agency (Bappenas) Suharso Monoarfa, Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Erick Thohir, Minister of Public Works and People’s Housing Basuki Hadimuljono, Minister of Environment and Forestry Siti Nurbaya, Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning Sofyan Djalil, Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian, and Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung. (VOI / Ndy / AHM)



Voice of Indonesia held its 34th edition of Diplomatic Forum talk show in Jakarta on Tuesday (12/17) with the theme Strengthening Women's Participation in Development. This theme was chosen in connection with the celebration of National Mother's Day which is celebrated every December 22nd. In his remarks, Director of Voice of Indonesia said that women have the same potential as men, including in supporting the national development. Agung Susatyo further said that gender equality is a key factor for sustainable economic growth.


"Gender equality is a key factor for sustainable economic growth, social development and environmental sustainability. By providing the same opportunities to women and men, including in decision-making in all kinds of activities, a sustainable path of development can be achieved to ensure that women’s and men’s interests are both taken into account in the allocation of resources," said Agung Susatyo.


The Diplomatic Forum talk show held by Voice of Indonesia featured speakers namely Ghafur Dharmaputra, Deputy for the Coordination of Women and Children Protection, the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture; Jari Sinkari, Ambassador of Finland to Indonesia; Ryce Chancai, Gender & Governance Specialist, UN Women Indonesia; and Adriana Venny Aryani, Commissioner of the National Commission for Women. (VOI / AHM)