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Ani Hasanah


Towards the Fiscal Year 2020, the Government of Indonesia set macroeconomic assumptions delivered by President Joko Widodo, when delivering the Government's Statement on the Draft Law on State Budget for the 2020 Budget Year, along with its Financial Note in the Parliament Building, Jakarta on Friday (16 / 8). In his presentation, President Joko Widodo said that the macro assumptions for 2020 are prepared with the assumption of economic growth of 5.3 percent. Consumption and investment are the main drivers of the economy. In addition, according to him, inflation will be kept low at the level of 3.1% to support people's purchasing power.

Furthermore, President Joko Widodo said that the macroeconomic assumptions for 2020 are also formulated to deal with external conditions that are still overshadowed by uncertainty. However, the government is optimistic that investment flows will continue to flow into the country because of the positive perceptions of Indonesia.

"In the midst of external conditions that are still overshadowed by uncertainty, the Rupiah exchange rate is estimated to be in the range of Rp14, 400 per US dollar. The government believes that investment continues to flow into the country, due to positive perceptions of Indonesia and improvement in the investment climate. Thus, the 3-month SPN (Treasury Bills) interest rate is estimated at 5.4%,” said President Jokowi.

Furthermore, President Joko Widodo also said that the government set up macroeconomic assumptions in 2020 by continuing to monitor global dynamics, especially related to world oil price movements. By optimizing the use of natural resources, including oil and natural gas, President Joko Widodo also pointed out that the government prepares a macroeconomic assumption in 2020 with the target of lifting oil and gas in 2020 assumed to be 734 thousand barrels and 1.19 million barrels respectively oil equivalent per day. The President also explained that the whole outlooks of the estimated macroeconomic indicators above become the basis for the preparation of the 2020 Draft on State Budget. (VOI / Ndy / AHM)


President Joko Widodo delivered a State Address in connection with Indonesia’s 74th Independence Day at the Indonesian Parliament Building in Jakarta on Friday (16/8). In his speech, President Joko Widodo conveyed Indonesia's readiness at the age of 74 to face the era of global openness. However, according to him, the readiness is accompanied with vigilance, both against foreign ideologies that threaten the state ideology as well as against foreign cultures that are not in line with local wisdom. In addition, President Joko Widodo also stated that Indonesia is ready to face global competition with creativity, innovation and speed of the Indonesian nation.

“Indonesia is not afraid of competition. We face competition with the creativity, innovation, and the pace we have. Because there is no other choice, we must change. The old ways that are not competitive cannot be continued. New strategies must be created. New ways must be done. We don’t just say that we are better than before. But we must be better than the others. Once again, it is not enough to be better than before. But we must be better than the others,” said Presiden Jokowi.

Furthermore, in his second speech before the House of Representatives (DPR), People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) and Regional Representative Council (DPD) Session, President Joko Widodo, who was wearing Sasak traditional outfit from West Nusa Tenggara Province, conveyed the importance of encouraging investment into Indonesia. In the midst of global competition where the whole world is fighting over market and investment influences, President Joko Widodo also underlined the importance of investment to create jobs that will benefit the nation.

“In a tight global competition fighting over the influence of the market scrambling for investment, we have to be faster and better than other countries. We must be faster and better than neighboring countries. Investment must open new jobs, and must benefit our nation,” said President Joko Widodo.

To be able to reach all of that, President Joko Widodo encouraged all parties to move quickly, not just stepping up and jumping, but also seizing all the available opportunities. (VOI/NDY/AHM)


To strengthen health services in 2020, the Government has allocated Rp132.2 trillion for the health budget. The amount has almost doubled compared to the realization of the 2015 health budget worth Rp69.3 trillion. This was affirmed by President Joko Widodo at the Parliament Building in Jakarta on Friday (16/8). He assessed that in 2020, the government continues to prioritize programs in the health sector by strengthening health services and access to first-level health facilities, including the availability of qualified health workers. In addition, the government will also strengthen preventive programs and expand the scope of activities to reduce stunting.

"Strengthening promotive and preventive programs are also carried out through the fulfillment of nutrition and immunization for children under five, as well as public education about the importance of healthy lifestyles to reduce the number of non-communicable diseases. The convergence of programs and activities to accelerate stunting reduction in 2020 is also expanded to include 260 regencies/ cities. Supporting programs for the health and safety of pregnant and childbirth women are also prioritized. BPJS Health and National Health Insurance are totally improved,” said President Joko Widodo.

Furthermore, President Joko Widodo said that in 2020, the government will also continue to provide protection, especially 40 percent of the lowest-level people from the womb to the elderly. For social protection to be effective and efficient, the Government continues to improve its targets, to increase synergy inter-programs, and to carry out evaluations for evidence-based policies.

Aside from assistance aimed at disadvantaged families, according to President Joko Widodo, the Government is also present to continue programs that support ultra-micro businesses and Micro-small-and-Medium businesses. This effort is designed to ensure the smallest social and economic units in the community, both families and Micro-small-and-Medium businesses that need help and can be touched directly with Government programs. (VOI/Ndy/AHM)


The Government of Indonesia through the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) cracked down the burners of land and forest fire in Indonesia. This was stated by Director General of Law Enforcement at the Environmental and Forestry, Rasio Ridho Sani in a press conference at the Manggala Wanabakti Building in Jakarta on Friday (August 16, 2019). He said that his side collaborates with relevant government agencies to impose a criminal sanction, civil and administrative sanctions for companies that do not obey the regulation on forest land use in Indonesia.

“We can see how these companies are not compliant. If the company is not compliant, we will impose sanctions, and we will talk to the regent, mayor, and governor to revoke environmental permits from companies that indicate to be incompliant if the land fires occur in their location. Besides, we are also preparing civil lawsuits for these companies. So, we are all out; we use a variety of instruments as our authority. We also cooperate with the police because the police also have other broader authority than us,” said Rasio Ridho Sani.

Rasio Ridho Sani added that currently, there are 18 locations of forest and land fire. The locations belong to the companies that have been given a warning letter; 19 locations of forest and land fire that have been sealed; 14 locations that are under investigation and 1 location which is being examined. (VOI/NK/AHM)