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Ani Hasanah

Ani Hasanah


Ruben Fernhout, a famous Dutch musician and DJ (Disc Jockey) promotes his modern batik through a promotional event held at the Jakarta Hotel, Amsterdam, Saturday (20/07/2019). The promotional event is titled "Modern Batik of Love. A release of the Indonesian Embassy in the Hague received by Voice of Indonesia in Jakarta on Sunday, stated that with an attractive batik design and adapted to contemporary fashion trends, the one-day event was able to attract the attention of young people from various regions in the Netherlands. Indonesian Deputy Ambassador to the Netherlands, Fikry Cassidy, who attended the event, stated that the batik promotion was special because it was presented in a unique and modern way, a beautiful mixture between the richness of Indonesian and the Dutch traditions. Therefore, Fikry continued, the presence of the Indonesian Embassy in The Hague is to appreciate and provide direct support for Ruben Fernhout's promotional activities to promote batik in the Netherlands. Through initiations and events like this, Fikry Cassidy is optimistic that batik is increasingly popular and well-known especially among the Dutch millennials. (Trans/Release/ Indonesian Embassy in The Hague / 21.7'19.mar / edt / ahm)


Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti has asked all companies that produce plastic products to help clean up seas and oceans from plastic debris.

Plastic companies should join the fight against marine plastic debris, so far carried out only by the public, the minister said in Jakarta on Sunday (21/07/2019) after attending a plastic waste campaign dubbed "Plastic Debris Parade" held at The Aspiration Park.

Indonesia is the world's second-largest contributor of marine plastic debris and this could threaten the country's fish exports, she remarked.

"If it is not (cleaned up), there will be more plastics than fish in the ocean by 2040," she added.

"Whereas Indonesia is the world's second-largest fish exporter to Europe, and fourth largest fish exporter to the world," she noted.

She estimated that 70 percent of plastic debris would likely to enter Indonesian waters, given the fact that 71 percent of the country's territorial waters.

"We need fish, we need beautiful seas. Fish is for food. Fish is for our fishery industry. In the meantime, we also need to eat to make us smart and to make us healthy," Susi Pudjiastuti said.

She pledged to continue campaigning against plastic waste and to improve public awareness.

"We continue to organize activities to appreciate seas and love seas, by campaigning on the danger of plastic debris. In several fish markets, single-use plastic is no longer there," she explained.

Indonesia produces plastic waste amounting to 64 million tons annually, and of the total production, 32 million of them are plastic debris polluting seas and oceans, according to data of the Indonesian Plastic Industry Association (INAPLAS) and the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS).

Ten billion single-use plastic bags or 85 thousand tons of plastic bags pollute the environment every year, according to the same sources.
Earlier, Minister Susi Pudjiastuti called on Indonesians to curtail the production of plastic waste, as it can degrade the environmental quality, especially in oceans and rivers.

"The efforts to reduce it start from us, by not using, producing, or accepting plastic waste," Susi noted in a statement recently.

The minister urged the public to use bags not made of plastic that can be reused multiple times. (ANTARA)


Minister of State-Owned Enterprises  Rini M Soemarno has encouraged the role of SOEs, one of which is through Telkom Indonesia, to expand digitalization in the world of education (digital learning) in Indonesia.

She conveyed this message while attending the 54th event of the 2019 National Education Golf Care Tournament at the Royale Golf Club, Halim Perdanakusumah, East Jakarta, Saturday.

"The role of SOEs is increasingly vital in improving the quality of Indonesian education. Digital access also needs to be developed in the world of education," Soemarno noted through an official statement.

The minister called on PT Telkom (Persero) Tbk to continue the process of digitalization in the world of education or digital learning. Going forward, the competition for human resources (HR) transcends all fields through a digital system. This digital learning improvement must be synergized with other SOEs.

In the framework of the 54th anniversary, Telkom Indonesia offers assistance in the form of teaching aids and scholarships to teachers and students brought in directly from Riau, Flores, and Papua representing the 3T (Remote, Outermost, and Foremost) regions.

Moreover, laboratory assistance is provided for schools. The total CSR National Education Care assistance provided by Telkom at the commemoration of the 54th anniversary reached Rp2.6 billion.

Soemarno explained that the education care program, initiated by Telkom Group Indonesia, had been initiated since 2000. In 2016, Telkom Group had launched a Digital Library (PADI) for 1,000 schools. Until now, Telkom has 4,200 PADI spread across Indonesia.

"I hope this program would continue to be developed to reach 10,000 schools," she noted.

In addition to providing assistance, She witnessed the signing of cooperation in the form of support from Telkom Indonesia for the Republic of Indonesia Teachers Association (PGRI).

Telkom's commitment to building Indonesian education has been fulfilled since long through various programs, such as Internet Goes to School, Dedicated Teachers, Indonesia Digital Learning, My Hero My Teacher, Broadband Learning Center, Digital Library, Employee Volunteer Program, and AnniverSafari.

Telkom Managing Director Ririek Adriansyah expounded that Telkom had, for 54 years, undertaken efforts and played an active role in encouraging the development of the community and the national economy.

"Not only through the provision of the latest telecommunications services but also in various corporate social responsibility programs that focus on developing national education in order to build a digital society that is globally competitive," Adriansyah stated.  (ANTARA)


Boxing contingents from several countries have begun arriving in the West Manggarai district capital of Labuan Bajo in East Nusa Tenggara Province to compete in the 23rd boxing contingent for the Indonesian President Cup.

"Boxing contingents from several countries, including India, Australia, Ukraine, Vietnam, Korea, and the United States, have arrived in Labuan Bajo today," Chief of the Public Relations and Protocol Affairs of the West Manggarai District Secretariat Paulus Jeramun remarked in a press statement released on Saturday.

Chief of the International Amateur Boxing Tournament Adjunct Senior Commissioner Julisa Kusumowardono, who is also chief of the West Manggarai Police Resort, greeted the boxing contingents upon arrival at Komodo Airport on Saturday, he remarked.

Boxers from 31 nations are expected to compete in the tournament to be held at Gorontalo Square, Pede Coast, Labuan Bajo, on July 22-28, he stated.

Earlier, Kusumowardono remarked that various steps were taken to expedite preparations for the tournament.

"Equipment, including boxing rings, venues, and training grounds and their accessories, used to support the international boxing contest have arrived in Labuan Bajo and have been fitted," he stated.

He praised various parties for their support to make preparations for the international event.

The event's organizing committee has begun selling tickets for the event. The tickets are sold at Cafe Kopi Mane, Integrated Zone of Marina Port, Cafe Labajo, Zasgo Mart, and Komodo Airport at Rp20 thousand, Rp50 thousand up to Rp100 thousand per person.  (ANTARA)