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Zona Integritas
Ani Hasanah

Ani Hasanah


Spokesman of Indonesian Foreign Ministry Affairs, Arrmanatha Nasir confirmed in Jakarta on Thursday that the Indonesian Government expressly rejected the recognition of the Golan Heights as part of Israel. In his statement, he emphasized the position of Indonesia which recognizes the Golan Heights as an inseparable part of the Syrian sovereignty.

“Indonesia expressly rejects the recognition of the Golan Heights as part of Israel. We emphasize that this recognition is not conducive in a bid to achieve stability and peace in the region. However, recognition is also inappropriate, not in line with various existing international agreements and laws. Of course, Indonesia will continue to recognize the Golan Heights as part of Syria which has been occupied by Israel since 1967,” said Spokesman of Indonesian Foreign Ministry Affairs, Arrmanatha Nasir.

Previously, US President Donald Trump officially stated on Monday that he recognized Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights. The recognition was stated by President Trump and witnessed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the White House, USA. Meanwhile, the UN Security Council expressly rejected the decision of the United States (US) to recognize Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights. US actions are considered to endanger regional stability. 14 members of the Security Council condemned the move by the US to recognize the Israeli Golan. Because, this is not in line with the Security Council resolution regarding the Golan Heights, namely as the territory of Syria occupied by Israel. (VOI/Ndy)


Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi is about to attend a series of meetings of the United Nations Security Council in New York, the USA on April 2nd-4th. Spokesman of the Foreign Affairs Ministry, Arrmanatha Nasir said in Jakarta on Thursday (28/3) that Minister Retno Marsudi will attend a non-proliferation meeting to discuss the follow-up of the global initiative concerning with mass destruction weapons and strong control of weapons. The meeting highlights a theme ‘‘Non-Proliferation Treaty Ahead of 2020 Review Conference’. In addition, Minister Retno will also attend the meeting of Alliance of Multilateralism. Arrmanatha Nasir remarked that in the meeting to be chaired by France and Germany, efforts to strengthen the multilateralism issue will also be discussed by member countries of the UN.

“In the context of Alliance of Multilateralism, this is an effort to strengthen a framework of multilateralism, especially in the context of the United Nations. Over the last few years, in fact, we have seen that some countries have carried out some efforts concerning with various individual problems and they did not use multilateral mechanism. Thus, this is the discussion how the countries can strengthen multilateralism, especially United Nations framework,” Arrmanatha Nasir said.

Furthermore, Arrmanatha Nasir pointed out that in connection with Alliance of Multilateralism, 15 member countries of the United Nations have ensured to attend the meeting. Besides both main agendas, Minister Retno Marsudi will also attend a forum meeting of the UN related to Palestine. The forum is themed ‘The Threat of De Facto Annexation: What’s Next for Palestine?’ According to Arrmanatha, the presence of Indonesia at the UN’s forum for Palestine is that Indonesia is committed to supporting Palestine both in its political aspect and its independence. (Ndy-VOI)


APEC members sought to find common ground on intellectual property (IP) rights, including the protection and administration of IP rights in the Asia-Pacific region during a dialogue on IP policy, according to a written statement issued by APEC's IPEG and received in Jakarta on Tuesday.

The dialogue was held at the semi-annual gathering in Santiago, Chile, conducted by APEC’s Intellectual Property Rights Experts Group (IPEG), to discuss important matters relating to IP rights. Successful strategies against counterfeiting were some of the important lessons shared at the gathering.

The IPEG meeting is also a forum where APEC economies share information on IP strategies, current initiatives, accomplishments, and generate projects aimed at capacity building.

A major point highlighted during the meeting was the growing threat of intellectual property theft. The financial losses due to this are estimated at hundreds of billions of dollars annually and IP theft dampens entrepreneurial innovation and investor confidence.

Participants felt that economies eager to build knowledge-intensive industries but who lag in IP protection will continue to lose out on investments.

APEC's IPEG also reiterated that the presence of strong IP rights bolsters economic growth. For instance, according to the United States Department of Commerce, IP protection has helped create more than 45 million high-paying knowledge-intensive jobs in the U.S., which amounts to some 38 percent of value-added GDP.

To highlight the importance of a strong IP regime, Canada held a workshop on its "Project Chargeback" initiative, which relies on cooperation between banks, credit card companies, consumers and law enforcement to fight against the sale of counterfeits and to protect consumers. The workshop, funded by APEC, shared know-how and best practices on how economies can establish their own domestic version of the initiative.

At the IPEG forum, Chile and Hong Kong China also presented their anti-counterfeiting initiatives, sharing experience on the benefits of these measures. The United States also shared a Resource Compendium on Trademark Infringement Determinations in the Border Enforcement Context.

Host economy Chile highlighted its first registered certification mark linked to a "sustainability code", which has been adopted and used successfully by the Chilean wine industry.

Meanwhile, Australia discussed its TM LINK, the internationally linked trademark database utilizing information from the IP offices of certain APEC economies, and its Blockchain Discovery Initiatives, including the use of blockchain in licensing (IP rights exchange) and in combating counterfeits (Smart Trademark).

The forum has been a platform for constructive dialogue, sharing of information, and project delivery, according to Nicholas Gordon, the Chair of APEC's IPEG.

"It’s the dialogue that helps find commonalities and gaps," said Gordon, who is also Deputy Director of the Intellectual Property Trade Policy Division at Global Affairs Canada.

"When there is clearly a shared interest or something new and cutting edge, you get real constructive engagement. Frequently this occurs in (the area of IP) administration, and that’s important for small and medium sized enterprises. Learning what you can do to reduce costs, simplify administrative processes, or raise IP awareness are keys to assisting creators and innovators increase their capacity to engage in the global economy," Gordon remarked.

"You find that coalition of wanting to be on the same page and further enhancing dialogue for the benefit of the region," he added.

The IPEG’s work program also includes studying measures for the effective enforcement of intellectual property rights, and facilitating technical cooperation to help economies implement the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS).  (ANTARA)


APEC members sought to find common ground on intellectual property (IP) rights, including the protection and administration of IP rights in the Asia-Pacific region during a dialogue on IP policy, according to a written statement issued by APEC's IPEG and received in Jakarta on Tuesday.

The dialogue was held at the semi-annual gathering in Santiago, Chile, conducted by APEC’s Intellectual Property Rights Experts Group (IPEG), to discuss important matters relating to IP rights. Successful strategies against counterfeiting were some of the important lessons shared at the gathering.

The IPEG meeting is also a forum where APEC economies share information on IP strategies, current initiatives, accomplishments, and generate projects aimed at capacity building.

A major point highlighted during the meeting was the growing threat of intellectual property theft. The financial losses due to this are estimated at hundreds of billions of dollars annually and IP theft dampens entrepreneurial innovation and investor confidence.

Participants felt that economies eager to build knowledge-intensive industries but who lag in IP protection will continue to lose out on investments.

APEC's IPEG also reiterated that the presence of strong IP rights bolsters economic growth. For instance, according to the United States Department of Commerce, IP protection has helped create more than 45 million high-paying knowledge-intensive jobs in the U.S., which amounts to some 38 percent of value-added GDP.

To highlight the importance of a strong IP regime, Canada held a workshop on its "Project Chargeback" initiative, which relies on cooperation between banks, credit card companies, consumers and law enforcement to fight against the sale of counterfeits and to protect consumers. The workshop, funded by APEC, shared know-how and best practices on how economies can establish their own domestic version of the initiative.

At the IPEG forum, Chile and Hong Kong China also presented their anti-counterfeiting initiatives, sharing experience on the benefits of these measures. The United States also shared a Resource Compendium on Trademark Infringement Determinations in the Border Enforcement Context.

Host economy Chile highlighted its first registered certification mark linked to a "sustainability code", which has been adopted and used successfully by the Chilean wine industry.

Meanwhile, Australia discussed its TM LINK, the internationally linked trademark database utilizing information from the IP offices of certain APEC economies, and its Blockchain Discovery Initiatives, including the use of blockchain in licensing (IP rights exchange) and in combating counterfeits (Smart Trademark).

The forum has been a platform for constructive dialogue, sharing of information, and project delivery, according to Nicholas Gordon, the Chair of APEC's IPEG.

"It’s the dialogue that helps find commonalities and gaps," said Gordon, who is also Deputy Director of the Intellectual Property Trade Policy Division at Global Affairs Canada.

"When there is clearly a shared interest or something new and cutting edge, you get real constructive engagement. Frequently this occurs in (the area of IP) administration, and that’s important for small and medium sized enterprises. Learning what you can do to reduce costs, simplify administrative processes, or raise IP awareness are keys to assisting creators and innovators increase their capacity to engage in the global economy," Gordon remarked.

"You find that coalition of wanting to be on the same page and further enhancing dialogue for the benefit of the region," he added.

The IPEG’s work program also includes studying measures for the effective enforcement of intellectual property rights, and facilitating technical cooperation to help economies implement the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS).  (ANTARA)