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Ani Hasanah

Ani Hasanah


The Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has confirmed that the Palestinian issue will always be prioritized in its foreign policies throughout 2019 amid Indonesia’s role in the United Nations’ Security Council. This was stated by Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi in Jakarta Wednesday (09/01.2019). She noted the Indonesian Government is deeply concerned with the shift in political stance of several countries on the Palestinian issue, as it opposes the United Nations` resolutions that should, in fact, be respected and serve as foundations for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. One of the countries that has changed its political stance on the Palestinian issue is the United States, which has moved its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. However, she emphasized, this reality will never make Indonesia recede its support for the Palestinians. Instead, Jakarta will continue to be on the forefront to help the people of Palestine achieve the goal pursued through their relentless struggles. Marsudi reiterated Indonesia`s support for a two-state solution as the only way to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and as a corridor for creating peace. (ANTARA)


Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno LP Marsudi said that 2019 would be a busy year for Indonesia's foreign diplomacy. She remarked that Indonesia would continue to work hard on the priority sectors of foreign policy. The attention of Indonesia's foreign policy will also be devoted to Indonesia's membership in the United Nations Security Council. Minister Retno said in Jakarta on Wednesday (9/1) that the UN Security Council team at the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Indonesia in New York has been strengthened since October 2018. In its position as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council, Indonesia would encourage various issues related to maintaining peace and synergy between regional organizations and the United Nations.

"Indonesia will hold the Security Council presidency in May 2019 and mid-2020. Issues related to peacekeeping; eradication of terrorism; synergy between regional organizations and the United Nations, Palestine, and many others, will be Indonesia's priority," said Retno LP Marsudi.

Minister Retno Marsudi further stated that Indonesia views the role of the region in supporting world peace to be strengthened. In this regard, Indonesia will keep working to strengthen the architecture of the Indo-Pacific region. In addition, in 2019, Indonesia also takes several initiatives, such as efforts to build dialogue between Indonesia and various regional organizations in the world. Indonesia will also prioritize the role of women in humanity and peace. (VOI/Ndy/AF/AHM)


Polemic of the investigation result of Taiwanese parliement member, Ko Chihen against an internship practice in Hsing Wu university at the end of 2018 on THE alleged forced labor against 300 Indonesian students until now becomes a major concern in Indonesia. The Indonesian government through its representatives in Taiwan and the Taiwanese government, are still carrying out serious investigation regarding the report. Director of the Protection of Indonesian Citizens and Indonesian Legal Entity, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Lalu Muhammad Iqbal, in Jakarta on Tuesday (1/8) said that the government through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Technology Research and Higher Education, agreed to re-mapping the scheme of internship program to Taiwan which currently refers to many policies issued by a number of stakeholders. Lalu Muhammad Iqbal explained that the number of internship schemes are recognized as bringing an effect in the absence of a single monitoring system.

“There are schemes initiated by the province, there are schemes under the research technology and high education ministry, there are also schemes under the foundations. We need to re-arrange it. We and the Ministry of Research Technology and High Education agreed to map it again, to make a better management,” said Lalu Muhamad Iqbal.

On the other hand, Lalu Muhammad Iqbal stated that Indonesia will ask further to Ko Chihen, related to the results of his investigation report on alleged "forced labor" involving hundreds of Indonesian students at Hsing Wu university. According to Iqbal since the investigation result was published Indonesian government have not received similar report from Indonesian students. (KBRN/RETNO//NK)


Indonesian Foreign Minister, Retno LP Marsudi stated that Millennial generation is a change and tolerance agent. They need to know closer look of Indonesian foreign diplomacy. The Minister stated during her speech at The Millennials Meet and Greet with Foreign Minister at Kantin Diplomasi, Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Jakarta on Tuesday (1/8). It was a series event of 4 years achievement of Foreign Affairs Ministry.

“If they understand, we also expect that they will be the agent of change and tolarance. And we also hope they will be the agent of positive energy of the campaign. Because Indonesia needs more positive energy,” said Retno Marsudi.

Minister Retno Marsudi added that the Millennial generation is part of Indonesian nations, so their voices are important to hear. She said, foreign policy has to voice the interests of the people, and the interests of the nation. Therefore, in conveying the success of foreign diplomacy, Indonesia must use millennial language (KBRN/RETNO/NK)