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Ani Hasanah

Ani Hasanah


Indonesia has called for the strengthening of multilateralism at the G20 Summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from November 30 to December 1.

Vice President Jusuf Kalla made the call when he spoke after being appointed as a key speaker on "Building Consensus" on the second day of the meeting, according to a press statement received in Jakarta on Sunday.

"Sustainable development and climate change are two closely-linked global issues that need to be overcome together," he said in the statement.

The G20 Summit that ended on December 1 reached an agreement on G20 Leaders’ Declaration on Building Consensus for Fair and Sustainable Development.

The agreement that was reached following tough negotiations that had been done marathon and intensively since a week ago contains important issues needing immediate action at global level.

The important issues include international trade that could affect global econmic growth, multilateral cooperation based on international rules, stable international financial system, migration and refugees, climate change, energy and agricultural resilience, economic digitalization that could support distribution of development and inclusive financr, corruption and efforts to stop funding related to terrorism and other crimes.

Indonesia has been able to include issues about financial innovation development through business model with economic digitalization and renewable energy.

Vice President Jusuf Kalla who spoke on the theme of "Embracing the Opportunities" said Indonesia urged G20 countries to strengthen partnership in mobilizing private sector`s investment, innovation and technology transfer.

The conclusion of G20 Summit ended Argentina`s G20 presidency in 2018 which will later be taken ovet by Japan.

G20 is a cooperation forum of big economies in the world comprising 85 percent of the world`s gross domestic producy, 75 percent world trade and two thirds of global population.

It has 19 countries as members including the US, South Africa, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, China, Canada, Japan, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, South Korea, Mexico, France, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and one regional group, the European Union. (ANTARA)


Indonesian Minister of Industry, Airlangga Hartarto said the government encourages the empowerment of millennial generation human resources, which were considered very important in implementing industry 4.0. Speaking at the Creative Industries Movement in Denpasar, Bali, on Saturday (1/12) the  Minister  stated, the millennial generation plays an important role in industry 4.0, especially since Indonesia will also enjoy a demographic bonus period until 2030. This means that as many as 130 million productive-aged people can take new opportunities to develop business in the digital era. In a   press release received by Antara in Jakarta, Saturday (1/12). The Minister said to prepare the millennial generation of Indonesia that is able to face the era of industry 4.0, the Ministry of Industry has facilitated through several incubators owned to grow creative industry players. Because, creative industry sectors are able to make a significant contribution to the national economy. (antara trans by PUTRI)


Sukabumi Airport in West Java will be built in early 2019, a local official said on Sunday.

"After officially opening the Bogor-Ciawi-Sukabumi (Bocimi) session I Toll Road, Ciawi-Cigombong on Saturday (Dec 1), President Joko Widodo stated that the construction of Sukabumi Airport will be carried out in 2019, and this is good news for all people in Sukabumi District," vice head of administration of Sukabumi, Adjo Sardjono, said.

According to Adjo, the construction of the airport will support the development in Sukabumi District in the transportation sector, especially now that the district administration is intensifying the promotion of Ciletuh Palabuhanratu Geopark tourist attraction.

The airport is expected to help increase the number of domestic and foreign tourist visits as there will be access to reach the district.

The airport will strengthen connectivity in Sukabumi District with other areas, Adjo said.

"People in Sukabumi should be ready to welcome this development because the impact is very positive and of course it should be used as maximum as possible to improve the local economy and people`s welfare," he added.

Earlier, Acting Head of Cimanggu Village, Cikembar Sub district, Haris, said the Transportation Office of West Java had put some stakes in the land that would be used as the construction site of Sukabumi Airport.

The stakes are believed to mark the area for physical development, such as runways and other facilities.

"The stakes show that it is very likely that construction will begin soon," Haris said. (ANTARA)


President Joko Widodo has targeted one hundred thousand homes in West Java province to have electricity connected at the end of 2018. This was conveyed when he reviewed the electricity installation in Bantarjati village, Bogor Utara sub-district, Bogor city Saturday. According to the President, the high cost of installing home electricity is still an obstacle for the lower class community. Therefore the government through the National Electricity Company provides free installation facilities to the poor.

"The first is that there is no electricity yet, some have electricity but connect with neighbors or with parents. Now we connect independently. It's cheaper than the data we receive. Usually per month it’s  Rp50 (thousand) or Rp60 (thousand). After being independent, like this, the payment is less than Rp25 (thousand) to Rp30 (thousand). And more connections, can have  a TV, iron, or rice cooker. This means that if  in West Java Province there are still so many withoutelectricity so  we’ll see in other provinces. Because the connection fee is indeed not cheap," said Jokowi.

Meanwhile, regarding the target of 35 thousand megawatt electricity development, President Joko Widodo said that the program was still ongoing. Although there is a possibility of failing to reach the target of 35,000, the President said that the current achievements should be appreciated

"But even though let's say that later 20,000 or 20,000 are realized, it is still   good. The first 5 years are usually only 3,000-3,500, this time it can be up to 18,000 or 20,000 or 25,000. How many times  compared to previously," said the President

The President further stated that the construction of the 35 thousand megawatt electricity project was adjusted to industrial growth. The government considers that there is a balance between the burden borne by the State Electricity Company and the existing needs. (VOI/Ndy / trans by PUTRI)