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Ani Hasanah


Indonesia’s vice president Jusuf Kalla called on the nation in Solo, Central Java, on Sunday to always be grateful because despite all conflicts that have happened in the country so far they have been able to overcome them well.

"I am sad to see situation in Islamic countries at present (as) around 30 percent of 50 Islamic countries are full of conflicts," he said in his speech at the commemoration of the 106th anniversary of Muhammadiyah, one of the biggest Islamic organizations in the country.

Islamic countries such as Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Pakistan and others are full of conficts which have not been settled until now.

"We must be grateful as a nation. We used to see a lot of conflicts in the country but they could all be settled well. Justice is the key to all conflicts such as those in Aceh, Poso, Ambon, Kalimantan, Papua, DI/TII in Java in the past. All of them happened because of injustice. This is where efforts must be directed to," he said.

Kalla said economic, social and political injustices were all factors that had caused all the conflicts and this did not only apply on Indonesia but on other countries as well.

In view of that he said all efforts taken in the fields of economy and socio-politics must be assured to bring goodness to all.

Efforts that have been taken by Muhammadiyah in the social and economic fields indeed must be supported with regard to meeting competition against other countries in the world, he said adding that all kinds of competition could be settled through knowledge and technology in addition to social justice.

"I am convinced Muhammadiyah has given big contribution to the efforts seeing a lot of educational institutions and others that it has been establishef in the country. All of the efforts unite and improve the welfare of the nation.What Muhammadiyah has done is an extraordinary management," he said.

Kalla said it has been 106 years that Muhammadiyah has served the nation and the religion. Muhammadiyah`s contribution and service to the nation are huge with all the schools, universities and hospitals it has established.

On the occasion Kalla was given Muhammadiyah Award for his humanitarian and peace efforts so far. The award was personally handed over to him by the general chairman of Muhammadiyah, Haedar Nashir. (ANTARA)


Indonesian Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi underlined the importance of safety in the country’s land, air, and water transportation modes and systems saying that it could not be compromised.

"Safety cannot be compromised. It is a must for those using transportation. The safety is not just for aviation but also for land and sea transportation modes. Thus, safety should remain prioritized," he said in Curug, Banten, on Sunday.

Speaking at the closing ceremony of an education and people-empowerment training program at the state-owned Indonesian Aviation Institute (STPI) in Curug, Banten Province, he said his ministry was serious in instilling the safety culture.

In connection with a need to build the safety culture, he said the values, beliefs, and actions were instilled in all people responsible for running the transportation modes, including airport authorities and pilots.

For this purpose, the airport authorities and pilots were educated well, Minister Budi Karya Sumadi said, adding that the flight safety teaching materials were also delivered to 461 participants of this community development-based training program.

During their participation in the program, they were taught about a flight safety by the STPI’s teaching staff.

The community-empowerment program has been run by the Transportation Ministry since 2015. This year, the ministry has set a target of training 100,000 people. (ANTARA)


President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has highlighted the importance of inclusiveness in the digital economic era in a meeting with the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Business Advisory Council (ABAC).

At the meeting under the theme "Inclusion in the Age of Disruption: Charting a Common Future", President Jokowi discussed issues on trade, global economy and digital economy with Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, and Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc, according to a statement from the Deputy for Protocol, Press and Media of the Presidential Secretariat, Bey Machmudin, received on Sunday.

The meeting which took place at the APEC Haus on Saturday (Nov 17) was also attended by ABAC representatives from all four countries and moderated by Richard Cantor from the United States. The Chair of ABAC Indonesia Anindya Bakrie, was present at the meeting,

Director of Intra-Regional and Inter-Regional Cooperation of Asia Pacific and Africa, the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Andre Omer Siregar said President Jokowi revealed that inclusive economic development using digital platforms is the Indonesian Government`s priority since 2014.

Indonesia is estimated to be the largest digital economy in Southeast Asia by 2020.

As an illustration, President Jokowi explained that in 2017 Indonesia had 132.7 million internet users and 92 million smart phone users.

With this big number of the technology users, the government continuous to complete the construction of digital infrastructure by adding Palapa Ring optical fiber length and widening the frequency spectrum to provide affordable digital access for people.

In addition, Indonesia will implement the E-Commerce Policy Roadmap to support e-commerce development by 17 percent and generate 1,000 technopreneurs in 2020.

President Jokowi explained that Indonesia pays great attention to the younger generation to help them face the challenges in the Technology Revolution 4.0 by promoting vocational education, polytechnics, and vocational training centers.

The government supports the use of technology in all sectors, including online application in education, Ruangguru, and GoJek which is engaged in the transportation sector.

"All these efforts are made to encourage an inclusive economy," President Jokowi said.

The president reminded that digital inequality should be overcome through formulating an internet of things roadmap, providing digital marketing platforms for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) such as Tokopedia and Qlapa.

He also said digital technologies should be used by those live in remote areas through collaboration with online marketplaces in developing e-commerce platforms to market local potentials such as agriculture and fisheries.

The government should improve school curricula to be more prepared to welcome the digital era.

"In this digital era, let`s not forget the inclusiveness aspect so the benefits can be enjoyed by everyone. Ignoring inclusiveness might widen the social gap which could create social problems and conflicts," President Jokowi said.

At the end of the dialogue, President Jokowi warned that tensions among major countries in the trade world would only harm people.

"And this could also result in social conflicts," the president added. (ANTARA)


President Joko Widodo accompanied by First Lady Iriana Widodo arrived in Surabaya, East Java, on Sunday evening after attending the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit 2018 in Papua New Guinea.

President Jokowi and entourage arrived at the city’s Juanda International Airport at 6.55pm, welcomed by East Java governor Soekarwo, the regional police's chief Inspector General Luki Hermawan and the chief of the Brawijaya Regional Military Command, Major General Arif Rahman.

From the airport the President and entourage went directly to the hotel before making a working visit on Monday.

Presidential aircraft Indonesia-1 that carried the President and the First Lady left Jackson International Airport in Port Moresby at 5.03pm.

His entourage includes minister/ state secretary Pratikno, chief of presidential secretariat Heru Budi Hartono, presidential military secretary Rear Marshal Trisno Hendradi, head of state protocol, Andri Hadi, chief of presidential security Major General Suhartono, presidential private secretary Anggit Noegroho and presidential special staff Adita Irawati. (ANTARA)