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Ani Hasanah


Indonesia will be the host of the Our Ocean Conference (OOC) which will take place on 29-30 October 2018 in Nusa Dua, Bali. Director of Development, Economy and Environment of the Directorate General of Multilateral Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Muhsin Syihab to RRI World Service after holding a press conference in Jakarta on Thursday (10/25) said the Indonesian government would give commitments that could be implemented based on current national conditions so that when it is reviewed or evaluated it can be accounted for.

“Indonesia chooses commitments that are indeed implementable. So we do not want to give promises that we may not do or do not comply with our national conditions. What we commit is real commitment, measurable that can be evaluated, seen by the people in this world. And therefore we are considered credible enough to advance the mechanism review because we carry out what we commit, and it can be seen, so that when Indonesia submits a mechanism review many countries are quite interested in it,” said Muhsin Syihab.

Furthermore, Muhsin Syihab explained, 70 countries that have expressed their readiness to attend will convey a commitment especially in reducing plastic waste in the sea for 70 percent by 2025. Muhsin Syihab added that more than 600 existing commitments, Indonesia has realized 160 related commitments with marine health. He said the 5th OOC in Nusa Dua, Bali is considered very important so that more than 1,900 participants consisting of 7 heads of state, 30 ministers, several senior officials, 38 international organizations and 290 Non-Governmental Organizations will present. (VOI/VIQRAN/DP)


More than 60 percent of Indonesia's exported goods entering South American countries are sent through Panama. This was said by Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno LP Marsudi in a press statement together with Vice President and Foreign Minister of Panama, Isabel Saint Malo at the Pancasila Building, Jakarta, Thursday (25/10). According to Retno Marsudi, Indonesia and Panama are committed to increasing bilateral cooperation between the two countries in various fields, especially economics.

“More than 60 percent of Indonesia's export commodities to South America are carried out through Panama, and then re-exported to South American countries. For this reason, in our bilateral, we discussed efforts to strengthen the foundation of bilateral relations between the two countries. especially in the economic field, it becomes our main focus. Trade between the two countries reached 130 million US dollars last year,” said Retno Marsudi.

Furthermore, Minister Retno Marsudi explained that in the first semester of 2018, the trade value of the two countries increased by 31. 2 percent compared to the same period in the previous year. She said it showes that there is still a possibility that cooperation between Indonesia and Panama is wide open. In line with Minister Retno Marsudi, Vice President Isabel Saint Malo said that Panama opens an opportunity for Indonesia to reach markets in Latin America, North America and the Caribbean, given that there are still many fields of cooperation that have not been touched by Indonesia. Isabel Saint Malo's visit to Indonesia this year was the first visit by Vice President of Panama since the opening of diplomatic relations between Indonesia and Panama in 1979. (VOI/VIQRAN/DP)


Yogyakarta Special Region is designated as an ASEAN Cultural City. The determination was made on Wednesday, October 24 at Prambanan Temple Open Theater, Yogyakarta. This determination is in line with Yogyakarta as the venue for the ministerial meeting in the 8th ASEAN cultural field and the ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting in the 14th ASEAN Culture field. This biennial meeting is held on 21 to 26 October 2018. The establishment of the ASEAN Cultural City is a joint program of the Ministry of Culture of ASEAN countries and the determination of the city changes every two years. Director General of Culture at the Ministry of Education and Culture, Hilmar Farid at the Press Conference on Wednesday (October 24) said that Yogyakarta is the cultural city of ASEAN in 2018/2020 and Yogyakarta was chosen because it has prioritized culture of prevention.

“Yogyakarta, in a meeting with the governor, the activities must involve culture of prevention; this must be developed. And for this matter, Yogya has already advanced. Culture of prevention is how to prevent bad things from happening such as natural disasters. Later, activities to be prioritized are to strengthen the culture of prevention,” said Hilmar Farid.

Hilmar Farid further explained that before Yogyakarta, the city of ASEAN culture was Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam. Yogyakarta is the fifth city chosen as the City of Culture. At the meeting, the delegates welcomed the determination. To mark this designation, Yogyakarta organized the ASEAN art festival on Wednesday (October 24, 2018) which featured artists from ASEAN countries and 3 of its dialogue partners. This festival is an example of how ASEAN celebrates cultural diversity, uses culture to advance traditions and heritage, and fosters long-standing friendships between ASEAN countries and their dialogue partners. (VOI/Skr/DP)


Ministry of Tourism prepares fund worth Rp 100 billion every month for Bali's normalization process post-eruption of Mt. Agung some time ago. While Rp20 billion is oriented to Lombok for rehabilitation and trauma healing. Met after the program "Tourism-Friendly Journalism Movement" in Jakarta, Wednesday (October 24, 2018), Minister of Tourism, Arif Yahya said that Bali has entered the normalization stage; this could be seen from an international event that had been held recently in Bali.

“If Bali is normal; the easiest example of normalization of international events is that on12 to 14 of October, we already had an international event, IMF-World Bank Annual meeting. If the international event has taken place, that is the most visible sign of normalization. Lombok is now in the rehabilitation phase. Bali took time for 6 months. Lombok, I expect, is 3 months. Why it is 3 months, because Bali got 3 months, the industry was not strong enough to be normal back. Salaries had to be spent and so did all utilities; the water, and electricity still had to be used. Based on that experience, I asked for help from all related ministries, institutions, and industries to do rehabilitation,” said Arif Yahya.

Minister Arif Yahya further stated that the fund used was taken from the 2018 State Budget (APBN) and the 2019 State Budget draft. He also explained that he did not want to take risk to guarantee Rp30 billion for the Bali normalization process and the rehabilitation of Lombok. (VOI/NK/DP)