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Ani Hasanah

Ani Hasanah


The Indonesian government initiates the formation of new economic centers in the world. Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi explained in Jakarta on Wednesday (24/10) that the spread of the new economic growth centers in the world would later encourage economic equality and at the same time improve world welfare. In regard to this, she views that the Indonesian government is promoting good communication between countries in the Pacific region and countries in the Indian Ocean coastal region. Minister Retno also remarked that good relations between the Pacific States and the Indian Ocean Coast would improve not only world welfare, but also encourage the creation of inter-regional peace.

"By connecting between the Pacific and Indian Ocean, what we hope is that there will be new growth centers in the Indian Ocean Rim. Because if there is a spread of new economic growth centers, this means that there will be an increase in terms of welfare; this will definitely be related to peace issues, etc," RetnoMarsudi said.

Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi further stated that in this regard, the Indonesian government is currently engaged in intensive communication, not only with the Pacific States and the Indian Ocean Coast, but also with partner countries such as the United States, China, Russia, India, Australia and Korea. In addition, she said that Indonesia also build communication with ASEAN countries in a bid to develop the concept. She emphasized that international cooperation is something that must be built compared to building competition among countries. (VOI/Ndy/DP)


Indonesian Tourism Ministry has prepared 100 billion rupiah a month for Bali normalization process after Mount Agung eruption two months ago. Meanwhile another 20 billion rupiah funds will also be disbursed for rehabilitation process and trauma healing in Lombok. Speaking to reporters after the “Tourism Friendly Journalism Movement” at Hotel Sari Pacific, Jakarta on Wednesday October 24th 2018, Indonesian Tourism Minister, Arif Yahya said that Bali has entered normalisation, seen from the international events that have successfully held in Bali recently.  


“Well, Bali has entered normalization phase. The easiest example of normalization is an international event held on 12th to 14th October. We have had an international event, the annual meeting of IMF-World Bank. Once it happened that is the sign of normalization. Lombok is still in rehabilitation process. If Bali has six months to recover, I hope we can do it in three months with Lombok. Why three months, because Bali cannot resist the industry in three months. Payments have to be paid, et cetera. All utility water, electricity has to be used. Based on that experience I ask all governments, stakeholders and industries to do the rehabilitation, reconstruction in three months in Lombok. Palu is not included in the main tourism destination and all activities is standard because there are not many tourists like in Bali and Lombok. So Lombok needs more Trauma healing than Bali. For Lombok we provide 20 billion rupiah for Trauma Healing,” said Arif Yahya.

Arif Yahya added that the funds are taken from 2018 State Budget and 2019 State Budget. Arif Yahya explained that he did not want to take a risk so he secured 30 billion rupiah for Bali normalization and Lombok rehabilitation. (VOI/NK/AHM)


Indonesia is hosting the 8th Meeting of ASEAN Ministers Responsible for Culture & Arts –AMCA and the 14th ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting for Culture & Art and Related Meeting –SOMCA. In addition to resulting Yogyakarta Declaration Document, these meetings also increase cultural cooperation among ASEAN member countries. Indonesian Education and Culture Minister, Muhadjir Effendy on the sidelines of the event to the media on Wednesday, Ocotber 24th, in Yogyakarta explained that there issome cooperation that will be resulted or elevated after the meeting. Through discussion and increasing cooperation he hoped ASEAN can be acountable region in cultural sector.


“There are many schemes that we will beworking on. First we have artist exchange then experience exchange how to preserve and conserve intangible and tangible cultural heritage. We match several similar variants then ASEAN as a group of nations have an opportunity in cultural sector, also have identity approach one another, we can be an accountable regional power especially in cultural sector,” said Muhadjir Effendy.

Minister Muhadjir further explained that Indonesia is considered as the oldest brother because it has the largest population in ASEAN. Indonesia is the first country that gained independence in ASEAN. Indonesia also has huge area with abundant cultures. Therefore Indonesia has to be forward in promoting ASEAN region especially in cultural sectors. (VOI/SEKAR/Trans:NK/AHM)


Indonesia hosts the 8th Meeting of ASEAN Ministers Responsible for Culture & Arts –AMCA which was preceded by the 14th ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting for the Culture & Art and Related Meeting - SOMCA. In addition, the meeting is also attended by 3 ministers of ASEAN partner countries, namely China, Korea and Japan. This biennial event is held in Yogyakarta on 21 October to 26 October 2018. This meeting carries the theme "Embracing the Culture of Prevention to Enrich ASEAN Identity". The Indonesian Minister of Education and Culture, Muhadjir Effendy in his speech at the opening of this meeting on Wednesday, October 24 in Yogyakarta said the diversity of Indonesian culture was an Indonesian national identity. There are more than 300 ethnic groups in Indonesia with different sets of rules and cultural objects. According to Minister Muhadjir, diversity is a valuable asset. For this reason he hopes that this meeting can promote the unity of civilization in ASEAN.


"Initiation of the theme "Embracing the ASEAN Culture of Prevention to Enrich ASEAN Identity" and "Yogyakarta Declaration", Indonesia sees that this forum is the right place to promote a unity civilization on a large scale. If ASEAN members can implement it, I believe that other countries will follow," said Muhadjir.

Minister Muhadjir further explained, Indonesia has a "Four Pillars of Nationality" which is a unifying nation. The pillars are Pancasila the Five Principles and the state ideology, the 1945 Constitution, the Unitary Republic of Indonesia and the motto of Unity in Diversity. According to him, Pancasila creates unity in a pluralistic society as formulated in the slogan "Unity in Diversity". In addition, the Indonesian Minister of Education and Culture said that Indonesia was ready to actively participate in the implementation of the ASEAN Declaration of Culture Prevention. This Declaration aims to create peace, openness, awakening, health and a harmonious society. The declaration was the result of the 31st ASEAN Summit in November 2017. (VOI/SEKAR/AHM)