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Ani Hasanah

Ani Hasanah


Indonesian President Joko Widodo has asked his staff to further intensify the promotion of Asian Games to be held in Jakarta and Palembang, South Sumatra. In his directive at the Cabinet Limited Meeting held on Friday, May 4, at the Presidential Office, Jakarta, the President reminded the upcoming Asian Games. According to various steps related to promotion, publication and marketing of the 18th Asian Games should also be improved.

“Related to the preparation of the Asian Games, in a meeting in Bogor I have emphasized the importance of promotion, the importance of publication, the importance of marketing from this 18th Asian Games. It must continuously be done from time to time, both targeting the public in the country and of course the promotional targets in Asian countries that are participants of the Asian Games,” the President said.

Related to that, Head of Creative Economy Agency (Bekraf) Triawan Munaf explained, ahead of the implementation of the Asian Games next August, the government will intensify the promotion of the Asian Games into a national scale. Therefore, he said, all ministries of the institution will participate in encouraging promotional activities in every agency throughout Indonesia.

“The point is, in a very short time, this promotion of the Asian Games will be more intensified not only from the Inasgoc but also from the ministry or institutions. We must continuously promote the Asian Games until August 18 and raise the Asian Games euphoria, so that the knowledge and awareness of the community are increasing,” Triawan Munaf said.

In addition to promoting the promotion of the Asian Games nationally, the Indonesian government will also step up coordination among ministries and agencies. This is done to ensure the success of the Asian Games. (VOI/Ndy/trans by Rezha/AHM)


Indonesian President Joko Widodo emphasized the importance of a breakthrough step to build concrete cooperation with countries in the South Pacific region. In a Limited Cabinet Meeting on Friday, May 4th, at the Presidential Office of Jakarta, the President said that he was optimistic countries in the South Pacific region would open up to establish mutually beneficial cooperation relations with Indonesia. Indonesia, according to the President, should be able to take advantage of Indonesia’s geographical advantages which are located and closed to two continents and two oceans.

“For countries in the Pacific Ocean region we need a breakthrough to build a more concrete cooperation especially cooperation with countries in the south pacific region that is geographically close to our country. I am sure the countries in the south pacific region such as Naoru, Vanuatu, Tufalu, Fiji, PNG, Salomon Island, Samoa, Tonga, are very open to cooperate with our country in various fields,” President Joko Widodo said.


Furthermore, the President said Indonesia has the potential to build cooperation relationships with countries in the South Pacific region. He said the cooperation room covers the fields of culture, education, economy, investment and trade. In addition, he also encouraged that Indonesia can also develop market share to non-traditional countries including countries in the South Pacific region. (VOI/Ndy trans by Rezha/AHM)


Diplomatic relations between Indonesia and Azerbaijan was officially established on 24 September 1992. The Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Indonesia, Tamerlan Garayev, at the 100th Anniversary of the Republic of Azerbaijan, at Hotel Indonesia Kempinski, Jakarta (2/5) said that the bilateral relationship between the two countries is growing rapidly and dynamically. From an economic point of view, bilateral trade turnover of Indonesia and Azebaijan can be recorded as the second largest among Indonesia and CIS countries. In the last 5 years the total trade turnover has reached 7.5 billion USD.

“Our bilateral relations developed very fast and dynamically. Our high level political relations are based on the principles of friendship, mutual respect and cooperation. From its economic point of view, our bilateral trade turnover could be recorded as the second biggest between Indonesia and CIS countries. In the last 5 years total trade turnover reached 7.5 billion USD,” Tamerlan Garayev said.

Tarmelan Garayev added that he was very pleased and satisfied with the current level of bilateral relations. He also hopes to explore more opportunities in the coming years and make this bilateral relationship more prosperous. (VOI / Egi / AHM)


The Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan for Indonesia, on Wednesday (2/5) celebrates 100 years of independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Jakarta. The Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Indonesia, Tamerlan Garayev, in his remarks in Jakarta on Wednesday (2/5) said that in addition to celebrating 100 years of independence, in the same year Republic of Azerbaijan also celebrates 100 years of parliament, 100 years of women's suffrage, and 100 years of armed forces.

“It was the first republic that granted women universal voting rights. 100 years before, our Parliament - Mili Mejlis had women parliamentarians. Azerbaijan Democratic Republic went down in our history with many firsts. This year we also celebrate: 100 years of our Parliament, 100 years of women suffrage, 100 years of our armed forces,” Tamerlan Garayev said.

Ambassador Tamerlan Garayev added that this year the Republic of Azerbaijan also celebrates 10 years of Raw Process, a broad platform for intercultural dialogue that began in 2008 by Azerbaijan with the Alliance of Civilizations of the United Nations. Some of the programs achieved from the Baku Process are in 2015, the First European Games was held in Baku, in 2017 the fourth Islamic Solidarity Games, and the Azerbaijan Grand Prix Formula One which has just completed a few days ago. (VOI / Egi / AHM)