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Ani Hasanah

Ani Hasanah


Vice-President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Massoumah Ebtekar explained Iran's position to maintain a nuclear deal with six world’s powers. This was conveyed when she met Indonesian President Joko Widodo on Tuesday, May 2nd at the Presidential Palace Bogor, West Java. To reporters, Massoumah Ebtekar explained the importance of maintaining the agreed nuclear agreement in 2015 with five countries plus one. She said that the nuclear deal does not only involve Iran and Western countries alone, but more than that it also becomes an international agreement. According to Iran's move to defend the nuclear deal, it is an important step to ensure multilateralism in the world today. In addition, according to Massoumah Ebtekar, Iran's step in defending the nuclear deal is an important step to support the world's non-proliferation movement. She also hopes that the nuclear deal can go according to what has been agreed and implemented by Iran as a principle.

“And I also mentioned the importance the nuclear deal that Iran has made with the 5+1 and pointed the fact that this nuclear deal is not only a deal between Iran and the west, it is an international deal, it is an important step towards ensuring multilateralism in today’s world. And it is very important in terms of non-proliferation. I hope that this deal will be as Iran has complied and stood by its principles. I hope that it will proceed and continue and that can ensure that peace and security not only in our region but in the world will prevail,” Massoumah Ebtekar said.

A total of six world powers reached an agreement with Iran in a nuclear agreement in 2015. The six countries are the United States, Russia, Britain, France, Germany and China. Recently it was reported, Britain, France and Germany have proposed new sanctions for Iran related to the ballistic missile program and its role in the war in Syria. It is intended to persuade the United States to maintain a program agreement agreed with Iran in 2015. Meanwhile, US President Donald Trump has previously submitted an ultimatum to European countries that also signed the agreement to fix the deal he considers bad. If there is no change in the deal signed during the administration of President Barack Obama, then Trump will pull the United States from the Treaty of nuclear program and re-impose sanctions on Iran. (VOI/Ndy trans by Rezha/AHM)


The Special Envoy of the President for Dialogue and Interfaith Cooperation and Civilization Din Syamsuddin on Tuesday, May 1 at the Bogor Palace, West Java, expressed his wish that the Consultation Forum of World Muslim Scholars would be able to contribute to the formation of the world civilization. According to him, a forum of clerical consultations that address the theme of moderate Islam is needed to answer the challenges of the world, colored by differences in Islamic understanding by a handful of groups who have undermined the idea of Islam as a moderate religion. In addition, according to him, the world is currently faced with challenges of uncertainty, global damage and violence in the name of religion. According to him, Indonesia has taught the concept of moderate Islam that is characterized by the concept of Pancasila state ideology, the 1945 Constitution and Unity in Diversity or Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, which reflect the form of moderate Islam.

“And, therefore we need your ideas, we need your suggestion, especially to the idea from Indonesia on wassatiyat Islam for the world civilization and allow us from Indonesia to share our opinions on Indonesia’s experience, our experiences. Because we believe that the kind of Islam that we understood in Indonesia is indeed wasatiyatul Islam. And I personally see some to extend that the blue print and the architecture on Indonesian nation base on Pancasila and the 1945 constitution, and the national motto of the unity in the diversity is indeed in my opinion the manifestation of the middle path Islam or wassatiyatul Islam,” said Din Syamsudin.

Furthermore, Din Syamsuddin hopes that the Forum of Consultation of the World Muslim Scholars can encourage the revitalization of moderate understanding of Islam, not only in Indonesia but also around the world. According to him the existence of a moderate Wasathiyyat Islam will be able to encourage the development of a more peaceful, safer and prosperous world while encouraging the world development. (VOI/Ndy/trans by Rezha/AHM)


Palestinian delegation cannot participate in the High Level World Muslims Consultation Summit on Wasatiyyaat Islam (Islam Middle Way)  held in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia due to important issues in the country. Counselor of Palestinian Embassy to Indonesia Taher Hamad to RRI World Service-Voice of Indonesia said there are many reasons why the delegation of his country cannot attend the meeting which takes place from 1-3 May 2018. According to Hamad, on May 1st, the National Council and the leaders of the country are preparing to face the plans of US President Donald Trump to move his Embassy to Jerusalem.

"Yes, there are many reasons because you know May 1, we are counting the days because America, especially President Trump, promised Israel to move the country's embassy to Jerusalem, so most of our leaders are bearers of society are getting ready for how to deal with the action President Trump,"Taher Hamad said.

According to Taher Hamad, Deputy Grand Mulfti of Palestina, Syeh Ibrahim Awatalla has been appointed to represent the country in this meeting, however the importance of the problems faced by the Palestinians has made him to cancel his participation in the summit in Bogor. In addition, Hamad also said the Palestinian ambassador to Indonesia also cannot replace his country's representatives, because Ambassador Dr. Zuhair Alshun is in Lampung Province, Sumatra, to attend a meeting organized by the Muslim community which aims to provide support for Palestine. (VOI/DP/AHM)


President Joko Widodo welcomed the High Level Consultation Meeting – World Muslim Scholars on Wasatiyat Al-Islam, Tuesday (01/05) at the Bogor Palace, West Java. According to him, the forum is a means of sharing experiences for the scholars attending the forum to develop tolerance, and become the pioneer for the benefit of the society. At the opening of the consultation forum, President Joko Widodo affirmed Indonesia's commitment in supporting the emergence of the world’s moderate Islamic axis. In a meeting attended by scholars from Indonesia and the world, President Joko Widodo said through moderate Islamic movements, Muslims will be able to show the world that Islam is a religion that can be a blessing to the universe.

"The position of Indonesia is very clear. We encourage and are deeply committed to the birth of the world’s Islamic axis. We are convinced by Islamic wasathiyah. We want to show the world that Islam is a religion that rahmatan lil alamin, becomes a blessing for the whole universe, "said President Joko Widodo.

Furthermore, the President added, in addition to being a forum for sharing experiences, the High Level Consultation Meeting – World Muslim Scholars on Wasatiyat Al-Islam can be the foundation to build moderate Islamic movement with the worldwide. It is expected the forum can inspire the world’s leaders, ulama and young generation to be firm on the path of moderate Islam. He also emphasized the importance of the role of ulama as the heir of the prophet and the symbol of the example of the ummah. The president said he was optimistic that the cleric unity would be able to push the moderate Islamic axis to become the main stream and could give hope for the birth of a peaceful and prosperous world. (VOI / NDY / RINI/TRANS AHM)