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The Mayor of Batam in the Riau Islands, Muhammad Rudi, wants to revive the shipyard industry, which once was known as the finest shipyard throughout Asia Pacific. Muhammad Rudi said in Batam on Monday that efforts to revive the shipyard industry would include development of its infrastructure, along with assistance from the many industrial concerns in Sagulung.

"We will begin operating the shipyard again, and will rebuild the road going to the industrial area," said the mayor.

He stated that the government also wanted to improve the roads in Batuaji and Sagulung to support the shipbuilding industry, while at the same time aiding the local community.

"We want to revive Batu Aji and Sagulung. They used to make their livings from the shipyard," he said.

Further, the construction of the Great Mosque in Batuaji, also due to the efforts of the mayor, will reduce the need for workers to drive as far as they currently travel for Friday prayer.

In addition to the place of worship, the mayor hopes that the Great Mosque of Batuaji can stimulate the economy of the people in the surrounding community.

The Great Mosque was also designed as a religious tourism site for Muslims from throughout the archipelago, as well as foreign tourists, especially from Singapore and Malaysia. The mayor noted that if the new mosque becomes a religious tourist destination that is visited by many tourists, then the local community must take advantage of such opportunities.

The plan for building the mosque, with a capacity for 25 thousand worshipers, is to be inaugurated in September 2019. (ant)


Bank Indonesia has sped up the issuances and transactions of commercial securities (SBK) as an alternative short-term nonbank source of funds.

This was achieved through the signing of an administrative agreement to settle SBK transactions between Bank Indonesia and the Indonesian Central Securities Depository (KSEI), on Friday 17th May 2019 in Jakarta. The move is consistent with efforts to stimulate the domestic demand for funds. The agreement signals the operational preparedness of SBK market infrastructure for SBN issuances and transactions, according to a statement from Bank Indonesia here on Monday.

The Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia, Dody Budi Waluyo, stated his expectations that the various regulations and supporting infrastructure will enable SBK to play an important role as an alternative short-term funding solution for nonbank corporations, and as an attractive money market instrument for investors.

SBK infrastructure includes regulations (Bank Indonesia Regulations and Board of Governors Regulations) previously issued concerning SBK instruments and supporting institutions.

Currently, a total of 3 arrangers, 2 rating agencies, 46 legal consultants, 84 public accountants, 5 notaries, 4 brokers, 15 custodians and the Indonesian Central Securities Depository (KSEI) as the central custodian are registered with Bank Indonesia.

KSEI was approved by Bank Indonesia as the central custodian, in order to improve governance of SBK issuances and transaction settlements, particularly in terms of recording, administrating and settling scripless SBK transactions.

Moving forward, Bank Indonesia will strive to develop the SBK market by educating potential issuers through an outreach program.

Also, Bank Indonesia will coordinate with the Indonesian Financial Services Authority (OJK) to ensure there are no conflicts in enforcing regulations, specifically regulations for financial services institutions that may utilise SBK as short-term funding or an investment vehicle. (ant)


May 21st is commemorated by Indonesian people as a historical day. Over the past 21 years of the May 21st, the New Order's power was overthrown. However, this date is also important for Indonesia and the world. May 21st is commemorated by the world as a Cultural Diversity Day, Dialogue and Development.


The United Nations –UN has designated May 21st as the World Day for Cultural Diversity, Dialogue and Development since 2002. This commemoration begins when the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization -UNESCO issued a Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity. Through UN Resolution No.57/249, May 21 is designated as a day to commemorate diversity throughout the world.

The United Nations recorded that 75 percent of the major conflicts occurred in the world today comes from the cultural dimension. The UN also launched a dialogue to bridge the culture in a bid to create peace. A simple action suggested by the UN to commemorate the cultural diversity is to visit cultural exhibitions, listen to music from different cultures, and invite neighbors of different religions or tribes to eat together, or watch films that tell a different culture.


Indonesia is listed as one of the most diverse countries in terms of culture in the world. The Central Statistics Agency reported that there are 1,128 tribes in Indonesia, spreading over more than 17 thousand islands.


Cultural diversity is actually a very valuable asset for Indonesia that is dynamic, and always developing. No matter how small the changes, all cultures in this country develop. Because of developing simultaneously, there are often conflicts between cultural groups. For example, a conflict happened between ethnic Dayaks and Madurese in Sampit, conflicts between Christian groups and Islam in Ambon, as well as the May 1998 riots which affected Chinese ethnic.


However, history also records the success of the Indonesian people in overcoming the conflicts with cultural diversity. The Indonesian nation has succeeded in addressing cultural diversity so that it becomes a source of wealth, not a source of splitting.



One day after the drone attacks by Houthi in seven locations in Saudi Arabia on Wednesday (May 15), the Saudi-led coalition launched 11 airstrikes into Sana, the capital of Yemen and its surroundings. After the incident, the coalition claimed the target was entirely Houthi military installations. Before the attack on Saudi Arabia, two Saudi tankers and one tanker from the United Arab Emirates were attacked by unknown parties. Until today, no one has claimed to have launched the attack on the three ships. The United States has accused Iran; meanwhile Iran has accused Israel, an ally of the United States.

The Houthi attack carries the message that this militant group has been able to carry out attacks that can disrupt security in the surrounding country. Thus, the Houthis may obtain a higher bargaining position if they advance in negotiations.

Two incidents to the target in the coalition region made the Government of Saudi Arabia hold a meeting led directly by King Salman. After the meeting, a statement emerged that the acts of terrorism and sabotage not only targeted the kingdom, but also the security of oil supplies and the world economy.

Abu Dhabi, an area in the United Arab Emirates, which is a member of the Saudi Arabian coalition immediately, responded to the escalating tension. The Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Mohammed bin Zayed al Nahyan met with Egyptian President, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi after the attack. According to sources in Egypt, President Al-Sisi supports Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates.

The heating situation becomes a joint concern if the tension in the Gulf region is increasing. Not only because of mutual reciprocal attacks but also because of increasing tension between the United States and Iran. Obviously, the tension in this region can disrupt oil export traffic and the regional economy. Now, how all the conflicting parties can reduce the tension and find the best solution by shunning confrontation or even armed conflict.