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On 15th June 2019, in Bali, Indonesia, the representatives of the Governments of Timor-Leste, Indonesia, and Japan held the Second Working Level Meeting on TIJ Trilateral Cooperation in order to share the experience of Indonesia and Japan in formulating comprehensive ocean policy and to identify capacity building programs which are beneficial for Timor-Leste in various fields.

In the first session of the meeting, the representatives of Indonesia and Japan described their countries’ organizational structure to promote ocean policies and introduced the contents and the formulation process of the respective country’s ocean policies. Likewise, Timor-Leste presented its own draft of national ocean policy, which focusses on the principles, objective and implementation mechanism of the policy.

In the second session, the representatives of Indonesia and Japan described their possible cooperation programs which contribute to capacity building of Timor-Leste. The representative of Timor-Leste acknowledged with gratitude for the possibility of cooperation programs presented by both countries and briefed on the human resources development program of the country and made reference to the capacity building needs identified in its draft national ocean policy. Each session was followed by fruitful discussion among the three countries.

In addition, the representatives of the three countries concurred to follow up the result of this meeting and to hold the next meeting in due course. (kemenlu)


“Indonesia is UK's best friend", stated British Foreign Minister Jeremy Hunt at the bilateral meeting with Indonesian Foreign Minister in London (18/6). 

Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno L.P. Marsudi affirmed that the commemoration of 70th year of Indonesia and UK's diplomatic relationship should become a momentum for improving their partnership, especially in trade and investment.

This meeting also discussed cooperation in a number of other sectors, including education. “Within the next five years, Indonesia will focus on human resource development," Minister Marsudi stated. In that account, Indonesia will continue to expand its partnership with the UK.

After the Brexit, the UK also gives more commitment to improving its relationship with Indonesia, including that in economic sector.

Both foreign ministers expressed their commitments in establishing strategic cooperation as part of the solution to address a number of international issues, especially during Indonesia's membership period in UNSC.

Indonesia expected the UK's support for its candidacy at the Human Rights Council for the 2020/22 period.

Minister Hunt also expressed his eagerness to visit Indonesia. (kemenlu) 


The debate on the government allowing foreign airlines to serve domestic flight routes still sparks controversy, particularly among tourism operators.

"Of course, the association of Indonesian dive tourism businesses warmly welcomes the step to curb high flight ticket costs," chief of the association's business section, Andi Makmur Ajie, said in Jakarta on Wednesday.

The higher priced flight tickets has led to a significant drop in the number of dive tourists in several areas in Java, he said.

"When flight tickets were low, the round trip ticket (form Jakarta) to Biak was Rp7 million. This year the one-way ticket from Jakarta to Biak is Rp8 million," he said.

Due to ticket costs, the dive tourism industry suffered losses of 20 percent, he said. However, tour operator Rainier H Daulay did not share Andi's views.

"I doubt that foreign airlines will enter Indonesia. It will take years for them to make profits," said Dauly, who is also Deputy Chief of the Indonesian Hotels and Restaurants Association (PHRI).

Higher flight tickets also resulted in hotels and restaurants suffering losses throughout the country, he said. 
However, he agreed that the government could lower taxes on domestic airlines, as part of efforts to lower ticket costs.

"Airline companies need high costs, though their profits are small. Instead of inviting foreign airlines, (the government) had better reduce their taxes for a certain period of time, until there is normal tariff," he said. (ant) 


Director General of the Treasury of the Finance Ministry Marwanto Harjowirjono has stated that the state treasury is safe and able to finance various government projects that have been allocated in the state budget (APBN).

"The state cash position is currently safe. Disbursements of various bills for activities and projects financed by the State Budget can be resolved properly," Marwanto said, when contacted in Jakarta on Wednesday.

The management of the state treasury is centrally supervised through the Treasury Single Account (TSA) and is no longer operated by the State Treasury Service Office (KPPN), noted Marwanto.

He stressed that the cash reserves of the state treasury have not been depleted, contrary to recent media reports.

"It should be stated that the KPPN is currently not managing cash directly. Therefore, it is not true if it is reported that the KPPN reserves are empty," said Marwanto.

Previously, information had circulated that KPPN's cash had been depleted due to management problems in state finances.

The state’s cash vacuum is thought to have occurred due to the use of funds for holiday allowance (THR) payments in May and the 13th salary in July 2019. (ant)