The fighting stopped. Nagorno Karabakh on the border of Azerbaijan and Armenia is no longer a scene of gunfire. The death toll from the military and civilians on both sides, namely Azeraijan and Armenia, has not increased any more. The peace agreement between the two countries apparently succeeded in mediating the armed conflict that occurred. The beautiful Caucasia region is no longer full of the sound of mortar, rifle and bomb blasts.
The peace agreement between Armania and Azerbaijan which took place on November 10, 2020, became a momentum for solving the problem. Not only the President of Azerbaijan and the Prime Minister of Armenia who signed the peace agreement. Russian President Vladimir Putin co-signed it on Monday 11 November 2020 at 1 am, in the city of Baku. Russia's participation in the signing of the peace agreement certainly shows how much influence and interest this country has in Armenia, at least. What is interesting is Turkey's exclusion from the agreement. While in fact, it cannot be denied that Turkey also has interests and influence in Azerbaijan. The existence of the two countries, namely Russia and Turkey in the dispute between Armenia and Azerbaijan, has been a part of history for a long time. Both Azerbaijan and Armenia were part of the Soviet Union before it broke up due to perestroika.
As a follow-up to the peace agreement, Russia felt the need to send peacekeeping troops. President Putin confirmed this in his speech after the peace agreement was signed. At least nearly 2000 military personnel will be involved in what is known as peacekeeping. Although it did not make a direct statement, Turkey is also likely to take part in peacekeeping actions. The Azerbaijani president revealed Turkey's involvement in a statement following Putin's speech.
The world hopes that this agreement will become a milestone for the creation of sustainable peace between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Not just to temporarily to stop the fierce fighting in Nagorno Karabakh that happened for weeks that has left thousands dead. The hope of lasting peace on the border of Azerbaijan and Armenia is very reasonable, because previously there has been a peace agreement in the Caucasian Region. In the 1980s and early 90s, armed conflicts resulted in the death of thousands and an influx of people from Nagorno Karabakh. At that time the fighting stopped because of the peace agreement. But lately the commitment to maintain the peace was violated by both parties and led to the next conflict or war. The current dispatch of peacekeepers, both by Russia and Turkey, is certainly expected to maintain peace. Those two countries, which are foreign parties with influence in the Azerbaijan and Armenia dispute, must have a joint commitment to always mediate whenever there is a potential for confrontation. They must be able to use their influence for the creation of lasting peace between Azerbaijan and Armenia.
President Joko Widodo stated that the implementation of Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement requires high political commitment. The signing of the RCEP is only a beginning, while a long and steep road might be waiting ahead. That was stated by Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi in a virtual press conference from Bogor Palace, West Java on Sunday (15/11). She conveyed that after the RCEP signing was done by 10 ASEAN member countries along with 5 ASEAN partner countries namely Australia, New Zealand, China, Japan, and South Korea. According to Minister Retno Marsudi, the RCEP country signees expressed appreciation for Indonesian leadership during the negotiation process. Minister Retno also remarked that the negotiation showed ASEAN leadership in their relationship with partner countries.
RCEP is Indonesia's initiative when being the leader of ASEAN and was agreed during ASEAN leader meeting in November 2011. The first negotiation began in March 2013 and Indonesia was the RCEP Negotiation Leader. Minister Retno Marsudi added that RCEP is expected to create conducive and competitive conditions for the economy in Indo-Pacific. It also marks the commitment towards open, just, and mutually beneficial multilateral trade principles.
Besides Minister Retno Marsudi, Trade Minister Agus Suparmanto said that RCEP had been through a long process namely 31 rounds of plenary negotiation. Fifteen country signees of RCEP cumulatively represented 29.6 percent world population, 30.2 percent global Gross Domestic Product, 27.4 percent of global trade and 29.8 percent global Foreign Direct Investment.
Data of Indonesia's export to 14 RCEP countries for the last five years showed a positive trend namely 7.35 percent while in 2019, total non-oil and gas export to RCEP region represented 56.51 percent of total export of Indonesia to the world namely around US$84.4 billion dollars. Meanwhile from import, RCEP represented 65.79 percent total import of Indonesia from the world namely US$102 billion dollars.
Minister Agus Suparmanto quoted a research from a private company in September 2020 which concluded that after five years of ratification, RCEP is potential to increase Indonesia's export to member countries around 8-11 percent and investment to Indonesia around 18-22 percent.
It seems there are only a few people who know or even hear about Haji Mangku cave on Maratua Island, Derawan islands. However, in the last three years the cave, which is located about tens of meters from the north coast of Maratua Island, has started to be visited by tourists.
Based on its name, this cave was discovered by Haji Mangku. Of several caves which have the same type in Maratua, the Haji Mangku Cave is the most accessible.
This cave is located in the middle of a forest which is surrounded by shady trees. Starting with light trekking through a small forest, visitors must be extra careful in choosing a footing because of the sharp rocky path.
Arriving at the location, after walking through shady trees, visitors will be greeted by a cave that forms like a natural pool, extending with clear bluish water. There are two ways to enter this brackish water cave, first jumping directly from the top of the cave or entering from the mouth of the cave which is half covered with water.
The best time to visit the Haji Mangku Cave is during the day, because at this time the sunlight will enter the cave and even penetrate into the inside of the cave. The appearance of the water will also look bluer than coming in the afternoon when the sun is almost setting. The water in this cave tastes salty because the passage in the cave penetrating to the sea.
Currently, there are no supporting facilities for visitors, such as toilets, changing rooms, food stalls or others at the area. So, it is highly recommended that visitors bring food and soft drinks that are purchased in Maratua before going to the cave.
For those of you who want to snorkel, free-dive or cave diving at the cave location, don't forget to bring your own tools, because there are no snorkeling or diving tool rental places around the cave.
It seems there are only a few people who know or even hear about Haji Mangku cave on Maratua Island, Derawan islands. However, in the last three years the cave, which is located about tens of meters from the north coast of Maratua Island, has started to be visited by tourists.
Based on its name, this cave was discovered by Haji Mangku. Of several caves which have the same type in Maratua, the Haji Mangku Cave is the most accessible.
This cave is located in the middle of a forest which is surrounded by shady trees. Starting with light trekking through a small forest, visitors must be extra careful in choosing a footing because of the sharp rocky path.
Arriving at the location, after walking through shady trees, visitors will be greeted by a cave that forms like a natural pool, extending with clear bluish water. There are two ways to enter this brackish water cave, first jumping directly from the top of the cave or entering from the mouth of the cave which is half covered with water.
The best time to visit the Haji Mangku Cave is during the day, because at this time the sunlight will enter the cave and even penetrate into the inside of the cave. The appearance of the water will also look bluer than coming in the afternoon when the sun is almost setting. The water in this cave tastes salty because the passage in the cave penetrating to the sea.
At this time, there are no supporting facilities for visitors, such as toilets, changing rooms, food stalls or others at the area. So, it is highly recommended that visitors bring food and soft drinks that are purchased in Maratua before going to the cave.
For those of you who want to snorkel, free-dive or cave diving at the cave location, don't forget to bring your own tools, because there are no snorkeling or diving tool rental places around the cave.
Analisis : ika
Judul : Gua Haji Mangku, Kalimantan Timur
…..Tune Buka Pesona Indonesia…..
Pendengar, jumpa lagi dalam Pesona Indonesia bersama saya _____. Seperti biasa Anda dapat mendengarkan program kami via streaming di Hari ini kami akan memperkenalkan Gua Haji Mangku di Kalimantan Timur. Jadi tetaplah bersama kami hanya di RRI World Service Voice of Indonesia.
……. Musik………
Pendengar, mungkin tak banyak yang tahu atau bahkan mendengar tentang sebuah gua yang berada di Pulau Maratua, Kepulauan Derawan yang bernama Gua Haji Mangku. Gua yang terletak sekitar puluhan meter dari bibir pantai utara Pulau Maratua ini mulai ramai dikunjungi oleh para wisatawan sekitar 3 tahun belakangan ini.
Berdasarkan namanya, gua ini ditemukan oleh seseorang yang bernama Haji Mangku. Dari beberapa macam tipikal gua sejenis yang terdapat di Maratua, Gua Haji Mangku merupakan salah satunya yang paling mudah diakses.
……. Musik……..
Pendengar, lokasi gua ini berada di tengah-tengah hutan yang dikelilingi oleh pepohonan rimbun. Dimulai dengan trekking ringan melewati hutan kecil, pengunjung harus lebih ekstra hati-hati dalam memilih pijakan karena jalurnya yang berkarang tajam.
Sesampainya di lokasi, setelah berjalan melewati pepohonan rindang, pengunjung akan disambut oleh bibir gua yang membentuk seperti kolam alami, memanjang dengan airnya yang jernih berwarna kebiru-biruan. Untuk memasuki gua berair payau ini, ada dua cara yaitu, loncat terjun langsung dari atas gua atau masuk dari mulut gua yang setengahnya sudah tertutupi air.
Waktu terbaik untuk mengunjungi Gua Haji Mangku adalah di siang hari, karena pada saat itu cahaya matahari akan masuk menyinari gua dan bahkan menembus hingga ke bagian dalam gua. Penampakan airnya pun akan terlihat lebih biru jika dibandingkan datang pada saat sore hari ketika matahari sudah hampir tenggelam. Air dalam gua ini berasa asin karena lorong dalam gua tersebut tembus sampai ke laut.
Pendengar, di tempat wisata ini belum terdapat fasilitas penunjang bagi para pengunjung, seperti toilet, ruang ganti baju, warung makanan ataupun yang lainnya. Sehingga, sangat disarankan pengunjung membawa bekal makanan dan minuman ringan yang dibeli di Maratua sebelumnya.
Bagi yang ingin snorkeling, free-diving ataupun cave diving di lokasi gua, jangan lupa untuk membawa alat-alatnya, karena di sekitar gua belum terdapat penyewaan alat untuk snorkeling ataupun diving.
Pendengar, demikian Pesona Indonesia edisi kali ini tentang Gua Haji Mangku di Kalimantan Timur. Kita akan berjumpa kembali esok dengan topik-topik menarik lainnya. Sampai Jumpa.
……….Tune Tutup Pesona Indonesia…….
Indonesian exporters offer marine commodities to Singapore.
As many as 14 Indonesian exporters offered various marine commodities to Singapore’s importers through a webinar held by the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore, Wednesday (11/11). Indonesian Ambassador to Singapore, Suryopratomo stated that the result of the webinar in collaboration with Indonesian Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Seafood Industries Association Singapore (SIAS) and Singapore Food Agency (SFA) aims to bridge business relations between the two countries in order to increase exports of fisheries from Indonesia.
From Singapore, the webinar was attended by around 50 importers from various companies that are members of Seafood Industries Association of Singapore (SIAS). Ambassador Suryopratomo stated that as an archipelagic country, Indonesia has the potential in the marine and fisheries sector which must be utilized properly. The Indonesian Embassy in Singapore is ready to assist exporters who face problems in exporting to Singapore.
Meanwhile, Chairman of the Seafood Industries Association of Singapore, William Tan said that Indonesia is one of the main suppliers of fishery products to Singapore. Representative of the Seafood Association of Singapore, Peh Zi said that imports of Indonesian fishery commodities to Singapore reached 22 percent of total seafood imports. Various commodities which are imported from Indonesia are shrimp, squid, crab and various types of fish. However, the Marketing Director of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Machmud Sutedja said that there was a downward trend in fishery commodity exports to Singapore in 2019 and 2020. This indicates that there are opportunities that have not been optimized to increase exports of fishery products to Singapore.