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Today's Mosaic of the Archipelago presents information: first, it’s English Day Program for teacher in Kupang. The second information is that Merapi status is still alert although its activity is restful. The third information is that 4.0 Industrial Era, North Lombok regency explores Potential of Applied Campus in Malaysia.

Education office of Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara -NTT plans English Day program for teachers at educational college in Kupang. Head of Education office of Kupang, Filmon Lulupoy told the journalists after declaration of English Day program for teachers in Kupang on Wednesday (30/5) that English language is very important in globalization era so that educators in  Kupang must know English language well and correctly in doing their activities at school. Furthermore, Filmon said that the program is not difficult. It stars from easy things such as greetings to the teachers. The teachers are necessary to speak English with their students at class rooms. If it is conducted continuously, it will become a good habit at schools.

Institute for Research and Development of Geological Disaster Technology mentioned that there has not been any change of significant activity at Mt. Merapi in Central Java over the last one week. However, the status is still maintained on Level II or being ‘alert’. This was stated by Head of Institute for Research and Development of Geological Disaster Technology, Hanik Humaida in Yogyakarta on Wednesday (30/5). One of activities which was quite significant in last two days is the emergence of gusts and falling. The gust signs activity on surface to release gas, while falling signs that there are materials which are released. Hanik mentioned that after the eruption, the condition of materials at the peak of the mountain is predicted to be unstable and dry. This made the materials at the peak easier to be released. Besides, the activity of tectonic and volcanic earthquake sometimes happens. Within May, eruption of the Mt. Merapi happened several times. In one day, it erupted one until twice. Thus, Hanik reminded that people have to obey the recommendation of the Institute to not do activities at radius 3 Km from the peak.

We end Mosaic of the Archipelago with the information on 4.0 Industrial Era, North Lombok regency explores Potential of Applied Campus in Malaysia.

To welcome 4.0 industrial era, Regent of North Lombok, Najmul Akhyar met CEO Institute of Melaka Industrial Mastery of Malaysia, Datuk R Reghu to explore potential of applied campus. The meeting discussed potency and chance for North Lombok people to be able to go college while working for 3 years in Malaysia. The institute gives opportunity for 25 North Lombok students who want to participate in the program for free of charge. Meanwhile, Head of Regional Revenue Board of Group of Enterprises, Heryanto SP stated that innovation of going college while working can directly contribute to increase index of human development in North Lombok. Education and Culture Attaché of Indonesian Embassy in Malaysia, Ari Purbayanto welcomed the idea of cooperation between North Lombok regency and Malaysian Ministry of Religion. The Indonesian Embassy in Malaysia will contribute to help the realization of the event.


Gambar terkait


The marathon session was conducted by the Board for Investigation of Preparation for Indonesian Independence -BPUPKI from 28 May to 1 June 1945. In the time, there were 3 figures who explained about the basic state. They were Muhammad Yamin, Soepomo and Sukarno. On the 1st of June, the term Pancasila –five principles was introduced by Soekarno and by the members of the board. However, the formulation of the content of this Pancasila was being discussed at some time afterwards, as in the Jakarta Charter. The information about the emergence of the term Pancasila itself was mentioned in Sukarno's speech, which stated about Pancasila as the basis of the state. This was also the basis for the emergence of Presidential Decree No. 24/ 2016 issued by President Joko Widodo on the birth of Pancasila. Thus, June 1st is also decided as national holiday and the implementation process of the Presidential Decree began in 2017.

The history of the birth of Pancasila itself comes from the Board for Investigation of Preparation for Indonesian Independence –BPUPKI, which was conducted in Chuo Sangi In Building in Jakarta. In the Dutch Colonial era, this was called ‘Volksraad’ building. Now, the building is known as Pancasila Building. BPUPKI itself is a body formed by the Japanese occupation government on 29 April 1945. This is actually one of the engineerings to gain sympathy and support from the people of Indonesia, where Japan would give independence to the people of Indonesia.

BPUPKI formed Committee 9 whose task was to formulate the state principles and the Constitution to be included in the text of the proclamation. In making the formulation of Pancasila by the Committee 9, it was varied. There were proposals from Mohammad Yamin and Soepomo. While the formulation submitted by Sukarno at that time was different from the order of Pancasila that we know today. The state basis submitted by Sukarno at that time was in sequence namely: Nationality, Internationalism or humanity, Consensus or democracy, Social welfare, and Belief in the Almighty. But finally, Pancasila was arranged in the following order: Belief in the One, Just and Civilized Humanity, Indonesian Unity, Democracy led by Wisdom in Consensus and Social Justice for All Indonesian People.

The celebration of Pancasila's birthday in 2018 highlights the theme, "We are Pancasila: United, Sharing, Achieving" which means that Pancasila makes the Indonesian nation united and encourage the younger generation to freely enjoy a prosperous life that provides motivation to share. At the 73 year old, Pancasila is not a young age anymore. Of course, the attitude and spirit of Pancasila that exist in the younger generation need to be reawakened so as not to fade away. With the anniversary of the birth of Pancasila conducted routinely, it is expected that Indonesian young people will be more sensitive in understanding the importance of Pancasila as the state basis of Indonesian that is able to function as a unifying tool of the Indonesian nation.


Gambar terkait


The target Indonesia of 'Free of Waste 2025' by reducing waste up to 30% by 2025 cannot succeed without high commitment of local government in waste management. The  Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) continues to encourage local governments to have policies and strategies for handling waste from waste sources to final waste processing. This was confirmed by the Director General of Waste Management, Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Materials (PSLB3), Rosa Vivien Ratnawati in her speech at the Mentoring Program of Local Strategic Policy Guidance (Jakstrada) management of Household Waste and Waste Similar to Household Waste in Kalimantan. The event was held in Jakarta, Wednesday (23/5).

According to Rosa Vivien, the local government should prepare Local Strategic Policy Guidanceas a document describing the target of waste management and achievement quantitatively. Through this guidance the Local Government develops integrated waste management programs from the source to the final processing site (TPA) and is implemented by the entire Organization of the Region. She said that the guidance will be a master plan of waste management in the regionthat measured its achievement gradually until 2025.

To support the implementation of Local Strategic Policy Guidance, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry has established a ministerial regulation on Guidelines for the Formulation of Regional Policies and Strategies for Waste Management of Household and Waste Similarto Household Waste. These guidelines will provide guidance to all regions, both provincial and district / city governments in preparing Local Strategic Policy Guidance.

Director of Waste Management, NovrizalTahar said that waste management problem is a small problem if the mindset in managing waste is changed. The issue of waste heap must be resolved from the source at the household level by sorting waste. Disaggregated waste will be more manageable, so it will be environmentally friendly and potentially have economic value.

The Program for Assistance in the Formulation of Local Strategic Policy Guidelines (Jakstrada) for the management of Household Waste and Waste Similar to Household Waste for Kalimantan Region this time, is the second technical guidance. Previously this program has been run in the area of ​​Bali, West Nusa Tenggara and East Nusa Tenggara.



Published in Feature


Here are the Headlines of several national newspapers published today, May 31.

We begin with Kompas entitled, “Bank Indonesia Reference Rate Increase for Anticipation”.

In the last two weeks, Bank Indonesia –BI had twice increased their reference rate, each for 25 points or 0.25 percent. Currently, the Bank Indonesia’s reference rate is 4.75 percent. The Bank Indonesia 7-Day Reverse Repo Rate was 4.25 percent since September 2017. On Thursday (17/5), the reference rate increased into 4.5 percent. In Bank Indonesia’s Board of Governors Meeting (RDG) yesterday, Bank Indonesia’s reference rate increased into 4.75 percent. Meanwhile, on Wednesday’s RDG which was an additional monthly RDG, the Bank Indonesia increased their deposit interest rate in the form of Rupiah or deposit facility for 25 basis points into 4 percent. Meanwhile, the rupiah loan interest from Bank Indonesia also increased 0.25 percent into 5.5 percent.

Moving on to Republika entitiled, “E-KTP Removal was partial”

The removal of invalid or defective electronic ID card (e-KTP) is ongoing. The removal was carried out at the asset storage of Human Resource Development Agency from Indonesian Human Affairs Ministry in Bogor Regency, West Java. Until Wednesday (30/5), the Ministry’s Population and Civil Registration Directorate General recorded that 56 boxes containing 156.800 e-KTPs were destroyed by being cut in their edges. The number is still lower than the total invalid e-KTP found after unannounced inspection by House of Representative’s Commission II at the storage on Monday (28/5), which reached to 805 thousand. Population and Civil Registration Directorate General targeted the removal will complete in the next two days. Home Affairs Minister, Tjahjo Kumolo explained, the cutting of invalid e-KTP was done to respond the concern among the people. It was because after the scattered e-KTP incident at Salabenda on last Saturday (26/5), some of the public were concerned with the invalid e-KTP being abused. 

We end the Headline with Media Indonesia entitled, “Optimizing Preparation for Eid Holiday”.

Ministries and institutions were asked to finish all preparation to welcome this year’s Eid al-Fitr Holiday. The preparation is including not only road and facilities, but also the availability of transportation, fuels, groceries, and security before and during Eid Holiday.

That was affirmed by President Joko Widodo in a closed meeting on Eid Holiday Preparation at the Presidential Office in Jakarta, yesterday. Besides, he also mentioned the preparation of security personnel. President Joko Widodo also demanded the synergy between the police and army in preventing and countering security disturbances during Ramadan and before Eid Holiday so that people can do their religious activities without worry.