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Monday, 19 March 2018 11:37

Mosaic of Indonesia

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Regional government of Southeast Maluku encourages "one village one product" program to indicate commitment of the region in optimizing potential of its tourism sector. Acting Regent of Southeast Maluku, Samuel Risembessy, in press release on Saturday, mentioned that his office continues to conduct various efforts to enhance tourism potential by using 93 percent of the Sea territory, especially Kei island. Thus,  local government also makes plan of tourism program with the theme "one village, one product" which tries to create the main products either culinary, craft, or art from their villages in Southeast Maluku. The Regent also stated that Southeast Maluku improves tourism potential through "Wonderful Sail 2018" event which will be held on July 23 to 27 this year. For Wonderful Sail 2018 event, his office will focus to provide the main products from each village in Southeast Maluku regency as attraction.

Provincial government of Bangka Belitung made serious efforts to increase the number of the tourist visit with the title sport-tourism Audax Bangka 2018 among others held in Pangkalpinang and Bangka, on Saturday (17/3). The event was participated in by 220 bikers from Indonesia and abroad, namely from Singapore, Norway and Denmark. Regional secretary of Bangka Belitung, Yan Megawandi said that Audax Bangka 2018 was the first event in Bangka Belitung and the regional government support it because it has positive value. Yan Megawandi in releasing participants said in Pangkalpinang, on Saturday (17/3) that Bangka Belitung should be a tourist destination, among others for sport-tourism.

Natural Resources Conservation Office (BKSDA) of West Sumatera through Forest Ecosystem Controller of Agam Resort, Ade Putra said on Saturday (17/3/2018) that Rafflesia flower of Tuan Mudae type, currently blooms at forest conservation, Jorong Marambuang, Nagari Baringin, Palembayan district, Agam regency. The rare flower began to bloom on March 13. The flower still blooms for 10 days. The Rafflesia flower with male gender has 5 groups and diameter around 84.8 Cm. According to Ade Putra, after blooming, the flower petals will get old and black and rotten. The flower has attracted a number of parties to make research on it, including students and researchers from various universities in Sumatra.

Read 1713 times Last modified on Wednesday, 21 March 2018 05:52