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Wednesday, 18 April 2018 00:00

Mosaic of Indonesia

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Dozens of ornamental boats belonging to fishermen in Pangkajene regency and Pangkep island, South Sulawesi enlivened the ornamental boats competition in Fisherman Festival 2018. Secretary of  Fishery Service at Pangkep regency, Sabrun said that the competition was held on Tuesday (17/4) by Pangkep regional government and fishery service. There are some creteria which must be fulfilled for the boat to become the winner, one of them is that the boat must have complete document. The competition which was held at Maccini Baji fish auction, Labbakang district, was participated in by dozens of boats from villages and hamlets at Liukang Tupabbiring and North Liukang Tupabbiring district. The competition was directly witnessed by regent ofPangkajene and island, and Director General of CapturedFish, Ministry of Marine and Fishery.

To measure the ambient air qualityby using measuring parameters of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide, The Environment and Forestry Office of Bengkulu conducted Technical Guidance for Ambient Air Quality Control by using Passive Sampler methode, which was participated in by representatives of environment and forestry office of regencies and cities throughout BengkuluProvinceMeanwhile, the event was to equate perceptions of stakeholder capabilities of the Environment and Forestry Office, either province or regencies/cities, in monitoring Ambient Air Quality by using passive sampler methodeThis was stated by head of environment and forestry office of Bengkulu, Agus Priambudi, in Bengkulu, on Tuesday (17/4). According to Agus, based on data, index of air quality of Bengkulu Province in 2017 was 92.5, or far from the National intensive care unit -ICU which is recorded 82.For that, it is hoped the environment and forestry office of Bengkulu will maintain decent environment for people. In addition, Agus Priambudi mentioned that there are 4 aspects in measuring ambient air quality, namely transportation, housing, industry and settlement. With those aspects, it will be known what factor which influences the air quality. Agus further said clean Bengkulu is the hope of all parties, especially in welcoming Visit 2020 Wonderful Bengkulu.

Securing and monitoring the Southern borderline of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea becomes the committment of the Indonesian Navy which is on duty at the border of Torasi river.Although, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea border at the area is relatively safe, monitoring of the area, especially borderline of the two countries become special attention. Commander of the Navy XI Fleet, Brigadier GeneralI Ketut Suarya, explained that Navy task at Torasi river is not only to protect stability of the security from threats and disturbances through the sea, but also to help Border Security Task Force of the Indonesian Army,especially Kondo post for borderline checking in the outer regions. This was stated by I Ketut Suarya in Merauke, on Tuesday (17/04). He added that the borderline and its existence must become serious attention, because if borderline of the state is not monitored maximally, it will be easy to be damage or moved by people who are not responsible.

Read 1390 times Last modified on Thursday, 19 April 2018 20:10