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Tuesday, 17 August 2021 00:00

Indonesia Resilient, Indonesia Growing

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Today, August 17, the Indonesian people commemorate the 76th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia. Today's Commentary title is the anniversary theme for 2021.

In his state address at the Annual Session of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) in Jakarta, Monday (16/8), President Joko Widodo linked the phrase 'Indonesia Resilient' with Indonesian nation to fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. According to President Joko Widodo, this pandemic is like a candradimuka crater that tests, teaches, and sharpens at the same time. All pillars of life are tested; all pillars of strength are honed. Patience, persitence, togetherness, intelligence, and speed, all of these are tested and honed at the same time.

The pandemic mentioned by President Joko Widodo has also spurred people to change, develop new ways, leave old habits that are irrelevant, and break through the impossible. In fact, he believes, the capacity of state institutions in responding to the pandemic is also increasingly consolidated and more responsive.

The implementation of the phrase 'Indonesia Growing' can be seen from the economic growth in the second quarter of 2021, which reached 7.07% with a controlled inflation rate at 1.52%. Even during the period, restrictions on community activities were implemented in many places due to the spread of Covid-19 transmission. The government's optimism for Indonesia's growth can also be seen from the 2022 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget Bill which was submitted by the President on the same occasion. In 2022, the Government plans a fiscal policy that remains expansive to support the acceleration of socio-economic recovery, but is also consolidative to increase the state budget by strengthening structural reforms.

President Joko Widodo affirmed that there are six main focuses in the 2022 State Budget policy: first by continuing efforts to control Covid-19 while still prioritizing the health sector, second by maintaining the sustainability of social protection programs for the poor and vulnerable, third by strengthening the agenda for improving human resources with superior, integrity and competitiveness, fourth by continuing infrastructure development and improving technology adaptability, fifth by strengthening fiscal decentralization to increase and distribute welfare among regions and sixth by continuing budgeting reform in  implementing zero-based budgeting to encourage more efficient spending, strengthening central and regional synergies, focusing on priority and results-based programs, and anticipating conditions of uncertainty.

What was affirmed by President Joko Widodo in the two speeches may enliven optimism for a better Indonesia. To make it come true, discipline is needed so that the plan is carried out on time according to the target. Hopefully, all stakeholders can move at the same acceleration to realize “Indonesia Resilient, Indonesia Growing.”

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