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Sunday, 05 December 2021 10:51

Ulemas should prioritize boosting Muslims' faith, economy: VP

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Vice President Ma'ruf Amin urged Indonesian ulemas to prioritise boosting religious faith and economy among Indonesian Muslims rather than indulging in power and authority.

"I hope we would not indulge in power and authority because in the end, it is Allah, the Almighty God, who has the supreme authority above us," Amin noted in his opening remarks at the 25th national conference of the Islamic organisation Rabithah Alawiyah on Saturday.

Boosting religious faith and economy among Muslims is a duty that every ulema must fulfil, particularly during the globalisation era, he emphasized.

"We must partake in efforts to improve the situation with respect to two important aspects, the first one being religious faith and the second being the economy," Amin remarked.

The vice president emphasized the need to deepen religious faith to ensure that Indonesian Muslims would be protected from sinful acts prohibited by the religion.

"We must ensure that their religious faith would be unshaken and that they could defend themselves from heresy and deviation in thoughts," he stated.

Amin called on ulemas to contribute to improving the Muslims' economy to create a self-reliant Muslim populace, with stable economic conditions.

"Economic empowerment among Muslims must be continued, as the Almighty God has warned us not to let Muslims become weak," the vice president remarked.

After consolidating Muslims in brotherhood, Indonesian Muslims must also engage in brotherhood with fellow Indonesians, he remarked while drawing attention to the event's "Islamic brotherhood" theme that aligns with the conference's goal.

"Ukhuwah Islamiyah (Islamic brotherhood) is the key because without brotherhood, we will be ruined," he affirmed.

Meanwhile, Rabithah Alawiyah leader Zein bin Umar bin Smith reported that the organisation had continued its efforts focused on economic development of Muslims during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Praise be to God, we have recently partnered with several institutions, including the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises, to distribute benefits for micro-scale enterprises in 2021," the leader stated.  (Antaranews)

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