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Tuesday, 12 June 2018 00:00


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RRI World Service -VOI with 'Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia', a lesson in Bahasa  Indonesia or the Indonesian language on the radio,  introducing    some  Indonesian vocabulary and  guiding   you to use them in a conversation.

Let's Speak Bahasa  Indonesia is a collaboration between  Voice Of Indonesia, RRI Foreign Broadcasting Station and the Agency for Language Development, the  Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia.



Next I will give you an example of a conversation on


“Anggap saja Rumah Sendiri” or in English “Make yourself at home”.


Tony lives in Joko's house. Dinda, Joko's wife, will go outside. Dinda wanted to make Tony feel comfortable living in her home.


Dinda  :Tony, kami akan ke luar sebentar.


Tony   :Oh, ya . Silakan.


Dinda  :Kalau kamu mau minum, silakan ambil sendiri.


Tony   :Ya.


Dinda  :Anggap saja rumah sendiri.


Tony   :Terima kasih.


I will introduce the expression and vocabulary related to the theme of the day, which is “Anggap saja Rumah Sendiri” or in English “Make yourself at home”.



Kami akan ke luar sebentar

(2X) Which means

We will be out for a while (2X)


(2X) Which means


Kalau kamu mau minum Silakan ambil sendiri, ya.

(2X) Which means

If you want a drink just help yourself, ok?

Anggap saja rumah sendiri.

(2X) Which means

Make yourself at home        




If you want to ask friends who visit your home to serve themselves, say, "“Silakan ambil sendiri.”   (2x ) which means “Please help yourself” Then it can be added with the phrase “Anggap saja Rumah Sendiri” or in English “Make yourself at home”.


Furthermore, in the dialogue there is the word “kalau” in the phrase which means “if” . "Kalau kamu mau minum, silakan ambil sendiri.” (2x) which means:If you want to drink, please help yourself."


There are several uses of the word ‘kalau”, one of them is used in conditional sentences. For example,“kalau saya pergi, kamu akan sendirian di rumah.”(2x) Which means "If I go, you will be alone at home." Another example,“Saya senang kalau bisa pergi ke Indonesia (2x) Which means "I’ll happy if I can go to Indonesia .


In the dialog there is a phrase,“Kami akan ke luar sebentar,”(2x) Which means "We will go out for a while," . Do not be confused with the word kamu “(2x) Which means "you" . "Kami" (2x) means “we”.


Another example:


-Kami akan pergi ke rumah kamu besok. (2x) Which meansWe'll go to your house tomorrow.


- Kapankamu akan ke rumah kami?(2x) Which means:When are you coming to our house?

we will provide some exercises, which of course relate to the existing words learned.

This time is to describe your home by mentioning the address, the color of the house, the number of floors (if more than one floor), and something around the house such as trees, fences, or anything else.


Alamat rumah saya adalah Jalan Jambu no 4. Warna rumah saya putih dengan pagar berwarna hitam. Rumah saya mempunyai 2 lantai. Di depan rumah saya ada pohon mangga.

Send your voice recording in Indonesian: to email address at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . There will be an attractive souvenir for the lucky winner. Winners will be announced in November 2018.

Let's meet again tomorrow with a different topic. Sampai jumpa.



Read 1422 times Last modified on Tuesday, 19 June 2018 06:20