Online socialization by the National Library -
The National Library of Indonesia (Perpusnas) seeks to improve public literacy through a policy of library transformation based on social inclusion.
The head of the National Library of Indonesia, Muhammad Syarif Bando, said that this program is a concrete step that is in line with President Joko Widodo's vision in the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) to improve the quality of human resources (HR).
Printed and digital books are very important because the writings in them are able to monopolize the truth, it causes an invasion of thought 1,000 times more powerful than physical warfare. There is no other theory for absorbing knowledge from books without reading.
"In the future, libraries are expected to be able to serve the community by presenting knowledge that can change their fate, by providing applied books that are in accordance with the potential of their respective regions," he said in Jakarta, on Thursday (24/3/2022).
Agree with what was conveyed, Team Leader Consultant Assistance for Social Inclusion-Based Library Transformation Program PT. Markplus Inc., Erlyn Sulistyaningsih, conveyed that access to quality information provided to the public by the library was aimed at eliminating information poverty.
According to a release received by Voice of Indonesia on Thursday (24/03/22), there are three strategies that need to be carried out to support the Social Inclusion-Based Library Transformation Program, including improving the quality of information services through books, computers, and the internet, facilitating activities according to community needs, and collaborating with other parties to obtain support.
“It is a gift to do what is best for society. As literacy fighters who have faith, let's make literacy a national social movement, so that in the future Indonesia can be better, "said Erlyn.
Meanwhile, Plt. Deputy for Human Development, Society and Culture of the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas RI, Subandi Sardjoko, expressed his pride in the library which is not only a place to store books, but has many social and economic benefits for the community.
Subandi added that the program has proven that libraries play an active role in creating superior, professional, creative, innovative and responsible human resources. However, to always maintain the quality of existing programs, libraries cannot work alone so they must involve the participation of other regional offices.
"Innovative and creative managers are needed to find ways on how to transfer, increase knowledge and its application so that the facilities presented do not only rely on the government but also from philanthropic and private parties," he explained.
On the same occasion, the Head of the Planning and Finance Bureau of the National Library of Indonesia, Joko Santoso, invited all the socialization participants to make the library the last seat for the community. This is an effort to provide changes in people's knowledge and behavior through strengthening individual literacy, so as to provide increased productivity and welfare.
"This social inclusion-based library transformation program must target the target to be able to eradicate unemployment and reduce poverty in Indonesia," concluded Joko.
The Social Inclusion-Based Library Transformation Program in 2022 was attended by 34 provinces, 170 regencies/cities, and 96 beneficiary village libraries. The activity was held in a hybrid manner in four locations, namely Jakarta, Batam, Surabaya, and Makassar. The number of offline participants was 440 participants, namely 104 participants in Jakarta, 88 participants in Batam, 111 participants in Surabaya, and 137 participants in Makassar//VOI