Scott Willis a UN observer on Industry sector met at COP26 meeting break in Glasgow, Scotland -
Amid the unprecedented and challenging times of Covid-19, companies and organizations across sectors and countries have continued to commit to take ambitious climate action through the Climate Neutral Now initiative of UN Climate Change.
In July 2020, the initiative is moving towards a significant milestone of 400 signatories, with new players notably from the industrial sector joining. Industry sector have development and deployment solution to handle climate change issue and 70 percent of the fund must come from Industry sector. This was said by UN Observer, Scott Willis to Voice of Indonesia on Wednesday (10/11/21) in Glasgow.
"The thing with industry is that it can be perceived in a number of ways because it's in arguable responsible for alot of the emission that we see but also it's going to be responsible for alot of solutions both the development of the solution and deployment of the solution. If we considere it, if we take a step back and look at the SDG's and agenda 2030. The UN identified 60 or 70 percent of the money that required in order to fully implement sustanainble development goals needs to come from Industry" Willis said.
Willis added that to create better condition, industry sector must start to provide clean energy.
"Most of the development for a country like Indonesia this idea of Technology transfer how do we create the right incentive so that the solution that are use because it's incredibly important countries gas access to electronic. We've been burning coal for a couple hundred of years there are better ways to do it. The chalange is up until now the cheapest way to do it is coal so developing countries need to take a lesson that we can pollut the atmosfer so we need to do better. We need to create those condition where you know the clean solution is the cheap ones. Because the signal have been sent from government including through meeting like COP, we're not going to be financing the development of coal power overseas anymore".
Industries are key pillars of economic and social development, and represent significant sources of greenhouse gas emissions. Practices implemented by Climate Neutral Now signatories show how industrial sectors can greatly contribute to climate action and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals//VOI