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Friday, 27 July 2018 14:10

Sala Lauak Sets Record in Indonesian World-Record Museum

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Children Day  is an event which is held on different dates in various countries around the world. International Children Day is commemorated every June 1st and Universal Children Day is commemorated every November 20th. The other countries commemorate the Children Day on other dates. This commemoration is aimed to esteem the children’s rights around the world. The National Children Day in Indonesia is commemorated every July 23rd according to Presidential Decree of Indonesia No.  44/1984 on the date of July 19th 1984. In celebrating Children Day 2018, provincial government of West Sumatra has a creative way to campaign a habit of eating fish from early age. The regional government serves 50 thousands of Sala Lauak to thousands students of early childhood education (PAUD). The advantage of eating fish is helpful not only for the health but also the children’s development and intelligence as the next generation of the nation in the future. According to Governor of West Sumatra, Irwan Prayitno, the 50 thousands of Sala Lauak supply does not only to set the record in Indonesian World-Record Museum but also to promote the children with early age to love eating fish. Head of Department of Marine and Fisheries of West Sumatra, Yosmeri explains that Sala Lauak can be made of sea fish and various kinds of fish. He hopes that the promotion of eating fish through Sala Lauak culinary can boost the level of fish consumption in West Sumatra which is still 34.3 kilograms (kg) per capita for this year. Meanwhile, Head of Association of Education and Education Staff of Early Age Children of Indonesia (Himpaudi) of  West Sumatra, Nevi Zuairina says that the campaign has to target the early-age children. Becauce 50% of development of children’s brain occurs in their early age.

Read 1219 times Last modified on Monday, 30 July 2018 09:08