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Thursday, 26 July 2018 00:00


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Today in History over RRI World Service -Voice of Indonesia. We start from an event on July 26 1965 about Air Force Academy’s birthday. 

Air Force Academy is an education school for Indonesian Air Force in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The academy’s history is started by Flight School established on November 15th 1945 by Agustinus Adisutjipto in Maguwo Airbase which is now Adisutjipto Airport Yogyakarta. In September 1947, Indonesian Air Force for the first time accepted Senior High School alumnus to be educated as the flight students. In its further development, construction of the school was built as the place to learn. Coincided with Indonesian Air Force Day on April 9th 1960, a grounbreaking ceremony of the establishmeny of Air Force Academy was held in Adisutjipto Airport.Furthermore, Air Force Academy was inaugurated by Minister of Commander of Air Force on July 26th 1965. July 26th is later on declared as the Air Force Academy’s birthday.


The next event is that in 1965, Maldives got its independence. 

Maldives is an archipelagic country in Hindia Ocean. Islam is majority religion of Maldivians. In early 16th century,  Maldives was colonized by Portuguese and then by Dutch, France, and in late 19th century, Maldives was ruled by England. Since 1887 until its independence on July 26th 1965, the country became the part of English guardianship. Since 1153 until 1968, the country was in the form of independent islamic sultanate. Later on, the form of sultanate government was removed and changed to be republic.


And the last event is that July 26th is International Mangrove Day. 

July 26th was set as International Mangrove Day at the United Nations Conference for UNESCO in November 2015. On the conference, Ecuador suggests July 26th as International Mangrove Day because some South American countries have been commemorating the day although it was not officially set by the world organization. The countries commemorate July 26th as “Mangrove Day” to recall a Micronesian Greenpeace activist, Hayhow Daniel Nanoto who passed away on July 26th 1998 because of heart attack when he was involved in great protest action led by environment organization -FUNDECOL and International Greenpeace. During the action, the local community -Muisne joined some non-governmental organizations to dismantle shrimp ponds which were placed illegally in the effort of bringing the damaged mangrove zone back to its normal condition. FUNDECOL and other environment organizations recall Hayhow’s death in every July 26th as the commemoration for saving the mangrove.

Read 1228 times Last modified on Friday, 03 August 2018 09:27