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Tuesday, 16 August 2022 12:26

President: Quality Education Must be Prioritized

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President Joko Widodo stated that access to education must be prioritized to create a superior Indonesia. The main thing is the access of children aged students to quality education services.

"This must be prioritized," said the President in the Nusantara Room, DPR RI Building, Tuesday (16/8/2022). The Head of State conveyed this during his State Speech in the context of the 77th Indonesian Independence Day.

The Head of State also said that students should be introduced to the world of work from an early age. Thus, various fields of science are expected to be able to get closer to these students.

"Children's interest in science, technology, art, and sports must be supported and appreciated," said the President. However, Jokowi reminded that it was not enough.

According to him, students must also be equipped with noble character, the ideology of Pancasila, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, and patriotism. "That is the main pillar," he said.

In addition, local arts and traditions with a national spirit must continue to be encouraged. "Literary works and films by young artists must continue to be supported," said Jokowi.

For that, the government will support by continuing to increase the Cultural Endowment Fund. "Of course, in accordance with the government's fiscal capacity," said President Jokowi. (RRI)

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