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Thursday, 18 August 2022 13:57

President Reminds His Staff Not to Work Standard

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President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) instructed his staff not to work standardly in the midst of an uncertain global situation. This was conveyed by the Head of State when opening the 2022 National Coordination Meeting for Inflation Control, at the State Palace, Thursday (18/8/2022).

"Therefore, we cannot work standardly, we can no longer because the situation is not normal. We cannot work routinely, because the situation is not normal," said the President.

The President said that the world is currently in a very difficult condition. According to him, all countries face a similar situation.

"Starting from the COVID-19 pandemic, which has not yet recovered and several countries are currently still at high numbers. Then there will be wars, crises, energy crises, financial crises," he said.

For this reason, according to the Head of State, in the midst of uncertain conditions like today, it is not only using standard standards in work. He also asked his staff to not only work looking at the macro economy.

"We can't work just looking at the macro, we can't believe it. If we look at the macro, we have to look at the micro, we have to look at the details in terms of numbers and the data is not normal," he said.

On the same occasion, President Jokowi asked regents, mayors and governors to really cooperate with the Regional Inflation Control Team (TPID). center. This is so that it can be coordinated directly to control inflation.

"This must be continued because this country is a huge country, 514 regencies/cities, 34 now 37 provinces. With the new DOB (New Autonomous Region), this is a big country," he continued.

He also asked the local government to use the undisputed budget post in the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD). It aims to resolve inflation in the region.

"I have ordered the Minister of Home Affairs to issue the decision. Either a circular stating that the budget cannot be used to settle inflation in the regions," he said. (RRI)

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