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Wednesday, 24 August 2022 11:14

Be thankful for achievements, vigilant against future challenges: VP

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Vice President Ma'ruf Amin has emphasized that Indonesia must remain vigilant against further challenges in the future despite having proven its capability to address past and ongoing crises properly.

"Our nation needs to be thankful for the achievements we have had despite various challenges, such as positive economic growth, manageable inflation rate, and trade balance surplus. Nevertheless, we must remain vigilant to more challenges ahead," he said in his remarks, which were delivered online, at the XXII Plenary Session and National Seminar of the Indonesian Bachelor of Economics Association (ISEI) here on Wednesday.

He highlighted the inflation rate in European countries and the United States, which has crossed eight percent, as one of the ongoing global challenges that Indonesia will need to face.

At the same time, Indonesia will also need to address the decline in the industry sector’s contribution to the national gross domestic product (GDP) since the start of the 2000s, he said.

He suggested optimizing the development of economic sectors that can increase product value to address domestic economic challenges.

"Hence, the intensification of the value-added economy will be our homework in the future. Reindustrialization is inevitable," Amin remarked.

He also highlighted the need for enhancing food and energy self-sufficiency, which will become the national backbone in ensuring wealth distribution throughout Indonesia.

In the pursuit of economic growth, equal distribution of development through the provision of economy, education, healthcare, and technological infrastructures is also essential to ensure that economic growth can be enjoyed by all residents, the Vice President said.

Indonesia's capability to address past challenges must be a valuable lesson to face future challenges, he added.

"History taught us that Indonesia can escape the 2008 crisis well and the economy also gradually recovering. I believe that social and economic issues we are facing right now can be addressed properly with our experience and knowledge," Amin remarked.  (Antaranews)

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