The Indonesian Consulate General in Sydney and KRI Bima Suci collaborated to organize a diplomatic reception aboard the KRI Bima Suci, Monday, September 12, 2022. The ship was docked at HMAS Kuttabul Base, Sydney, New South Wales (NSW), Australia.
The diplomatic reception was held still in celebration of the 77th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia. The event was attended by more than 100 people consisting of local government representatives, members of parliament, representatives of the consulate corps of friendly countries in Sydney, and the Indonesian diaspora.
The guests of honor who attended included Assistant Operations to the TNI Commander Maj. Gen. Agus Suhardi, Australian Navy Chief of Staff Vice Admiral Mark Hammond. Also in attendance were NSW Multiculture Member of the Advisory Board Margaret Piper, and NSW MP Greg Piper.
In his remarks, Indonesian Consul General Sydney Vedi Kurnia Buana emphasized that the commemoration of the Indonesian Independence Day was a moment of celebration as well as a strengthening of commitment to face various challenges ahead. He also underlined the current strong bilateral relations between Indonesia and Australia.
"The stronger relationship certainly opens up various opportunities and opportunities that must be utilized for the common interest of the two countries, including the people," said Vedi.
He hopes that strengthening bilateral relations will become an important asset that can be realized through various concrete collaborations. "May God bless Indonesia, may God bless Australia," said Vedi.
On behalf of the NSW Minister for Multiculture, Margaret Piper underlined Indonesia's special position to Australia. Starting from the arrival of Makassar sailors who interacted with Aboriginal residents 300 years ago to various collaborations between the two countries and their people today.
In particular, Margaret Piper appreciated the support of the Indonesian diaspora for economic development and multicultural life in NSW.
Guests are treated to a variety of Indonesian specialties. The diplomatic reception at KRI Bima Suci was also enlivened by a number of dances from the cadets of the Naval Academy (AAL). These include Betawi Dance, War Dance, Peacock Dance, Saman Dance, Rampak Gendang Dance, and Rama Sinta Dance. (RRI)