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Thursday, 29 December 2022 10:39

High risk of extreme weather due to cloud convection: BRIN

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As a maritime country, Indonesia is a center for convection cloud growth, which triggers rainfall and increases the potential for extreme weather, the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) has said.

"Indonesia is on the maritime continent, a relatively high (receiving) energy region where sunlight is perpendicular to the equator, making our region a cloud convection center and produces a lot of rain," BRIN expert and researcher Didi Satiadi said at an online discussion on “Beware of Extreme Weather,” which was followed from here on Wednesday.

The high energy received by the equator region can be released in the form of extreme weather, he added.

"Indonesia tends to have extreme (weather) conditions, especially those related to rain because we are the largest rain producer in the world," he said.

In addition, the atmospheric dynamics on the equator of the maritime continent have also turned Indonesia into an area where atmospheric waves encounter and interact with each other, he added.

"These atmospheric waves can amplify each other, which increases (the potential for) extreme events, but they can also weaken each other so that extreme events do not occur," Satiadi said.

According to him, the complexity of atmospheric dynamics has made the weather in Indonesia difficult to predict.

He also cited global warming as another factor causing extreme weather and climate change. Global warming is increasing due to the excessive use or burning of fossil fuels.

"Climate change basically increases the hydrological cycle because faster means greater evaporation, more intense, heavier rain, wetter, and drier," he explained.

To cope with extreme weather, he suggested that people plant as many trees as possible, reduce the use of fossil-based energy, and switch to new renewable energy sources, such as sunlight, water waves, wind, or dams. (Antaranews)

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