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Wednesday, 10 January 2024 07:58

Each motorcycle

Written by  Rahma
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Welcome back to “Mari Berbahasa Indonesia” or Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia, which introduces Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to speak in Indonesian language. Mari Berbahasa Indonesia or Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia is a collaboration between Voice of Indonesia and the Language Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research & Technology. Today’s topic is “Di Perusahaan Ekspedisi” (2x) which means “At Shipping Company”.

Here is a conversation about “Per Sepeda Motor” (2x) which means “Each motorcycle”. This conversation is between Chris, a vlogger from Australia, and a staff at a shipping company in Semarang. The staff told Chris the fee of shipping his motorcycle.

Chris (P)     :   Saya ingin mengirim sepeda motor saya ke Palangkaraya. Berapa biayanya?

Petugas (W) :   Biaya pengiriman dari Semarang ke Palangkaraya Rp. 1.300.000,00 ( dibaca : satu juta tiga ratus ribu rupiah ) per sepeda motor.

Here are some vocabulary and expressions related to today’s topic “Per Sepeda Motor” (2x) which means “Each motorcycle”.

biaya (2x)

which means Fee

pengiriman (2x)

which means Shipping

dari Semarang (2x)

which means From Semarang

ke Palangkaraya (2x)

which means To Palangkaraya

Rp. 1.300.000,00 ( dibaca: satu juta tiga ratus ribu rupiah (2x)

which means One Million Three Hundred Thousand Rupiahs

per   (2x)

which means Each

sepeda motor (2x)

which means Motorcycle

Biaya pengiriman dari Semarang ke Palangkaraya Rp. 1.300.000,00 per sepeda motor (2x)

which means “The shipping fee from Semarang to Palangkaraya is one million three hundred thousand rupiahs for each motorcycle.”

berapa biaya (2x)

which means How much is the fee

mengirim   (2x)

which means To Send


In the conversation, there is a sentence “Biaya pengiriman dari Semarang ke Palangkaraya Rp. 1.300.000,00 per sepeda motor ”(2x) which means “The shipping fee from Semarang to Palangkaraya is one million three hundred thousand rupiahs for each motorcycle”. In the sentence, there is the phrase per sepeda motor(2x) which means “for each motorcycle”. The word per (2x) which means “each”, which divides each one of the sepeda motor (2x) or “motorcycle”.

Here are other examples.

Let’s listen to some other examples using expressions “per”

Biaya anggota di pusat kebugaran ini per bulan Rp. 100.000,00 (dibaca: seratus ribu rupiah)(2x) which means “Membership in this gym is one hundred thousand rupiahs per month”

Harga tiket bioskop Rp. 50.000,00 ( dibaca: lima puluh ribu rupiah) per orang(2x) which means “The movie ticket is fifty thousand rupiahs per person”.

For your information. Indonesian term for a two-wheeled vehicle is sepeda motor (2x) which means “motorcycle.” However, most Indonesians call motorcycles as motor (2x) which means “motor”. In some other regions, they call it kereta (2x) which means “train”. Even, some call it with certain motorcycle brands.

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