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Wednesday, 17 January 2024 21:12

It is Made from Jangang Roots

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You will read a conversation entitled "Dari Akar Jangang” (2x) which means it is made from Jangang roots. This conversation took place between Chris, a vlogger from Australia, and a souvenir seller in Tanjung Puting, Central Kalimantan. Chris asked the souvenir seller about the basic materials for bracelets. (The conversation below is read by an assigned narrator and is not translated). Let's listen to their conversation.

Percakapan (sudah direkam)

Chris (W)        : Saya suka gelang ini. Bahannya dari apa?

Pedagang(W) : Ini gelang simpai. Bahannya dari akar jangang. Jangang itu sejenis   tanaman pakis.

Chris (W)        : Saya beli lima, ya.

After listening to the conversation, I will introduce you to some vocabulary related to today's material, "dari akar jangang" (2x) which means “it is made from jangang roots”. I will pronounce it slowly. You can repeat it after me.

bahannya dari akar jangang (2x)

Which means its material is made from jangang roots

bahannya (2x)

Which means its material

dari (2x)

Which means from

akar jangang (2x)

Which means jangang roots, Indonesian name of Dicranopteris linearis.

suka (2x)

Which means to like

gelang simpai (2x)

Which means hoop bracelet

tanaman (2x) 

Which means plant

pakis (2x)

Which means fern plant

beli (2x)

Which means to buy

lima (2x)

Which means five

In the conversation you hear the sentence “Bahannya dari akar jangang” ( 2x) which means its material is made from jangang roots" or simply it is made from jangang roots. In this sentence there is a word "dari" ( 2x) which means "from". The word "dari" is used to tell about the basic materials or ingredients of something. In the context of the conversation, the seller told Chris that the material for hoop bracelets comes from the jangang roots. 

Now let's listen to other examples of the use of preposition word "dari" (2x) which means from to tell about the basic materials or ingredients of something in another sentence.

Perhiasan ini dari emas (2x) 

Which means This jewelry is made of gold

Lemari ini dari kayu mahoni (2x) 

Which means This cupboard is made of mahogany

Gelang Simpai is a woven bracelet. The word Simpai means 'rings or bracelets made of rattan or metal which is tightened'. Gelang Simpai (2x) which refers to dayak traditional hoop bracelet is currently being sold as a typical souvenir from Tanjung Puting, in Central Kalimantan.

Before closing Let's Speak Bahasa today, for more clarity, let's listen to the conversation once again.

Percakapan (sudah direkam)

Chris (W)        : Saya suka gelang ini. Bahannya dari apa?

Pedagang(W) : Ini gelang simpai. Bahannya dari akar jangang. Jangang itu sejenis   tanaman pakis.

Chris (W)        : Saya beli lima, ya.

Listeners, that was today's episode of "Let's Speak Bahasa Indonesia" with a conversation entitled "dari akar Jangang (2x) which means “from jangang roots”. Hopefully, today's topic is useful for those of you who want to know more about the Indonesian language. We meet again with more lessons.

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