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Wednesday, 03 April 2024 08:29

Melewati Bukit dan Hutan Raya

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“Mari Berbahasa Indonesia” or Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia introduces Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to speak in Indonesian language. Mari Berbahasa Indonesia or Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia is a collaboration between Voice of Indonesia and the Language Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research & Technology. Today’s topic is Titik Nol Nusantara (2x) which means “Nusantara Point Zero.”

Here is a monologue about “Melewati Bukit dan Hutan Raya(2x) which means “Passing Hills and Great Forest”. The conversation is between Chris, a vlogger from Australia, on his trip in Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan. Chris was making a travel vlog on a motorcycle from Balikpapan to the Point Zero of Nusantara Capital City in North Penajam Paser Regency. Chris was describing the scenery he was passing.


Chris (P)           : ( berbicara sambil mengendarai motor).  

                             Saat ini saya sedang dalam perjalanan dari Kota Balikpapan ke

                             Titik Nol Nusantara. Sebentar lagi saya tiba di Titik Nol Nusantara.

                             Saya melewati bukit dan hutan raya.

Here are some vocabulary and expressions related to today’s topic, “Melewati Bukit dan Hutan Raya(2x) which means “Passing hills and great forests!”.


saya (2x)

which means I

melewati (2x)

which means Pass

bukit   (2x)

which means Hill

hutan raya (2x)

which means Great forest

Saya melewati bukit dan hutan raya (2x)

which means I pass hills and great forest

sebentar lagi   (2x)

which means In a moment

tiba (2x)

which means Arrive

Titik Nol Nusantara (2x)

which means Nusantara Point Zero

Saya (2x)

which means I

perjalanan (2x)

which means Trip

Kota Balikpapan (2x)

which means Balikpapan City

In this monologue, there is an expression “Saya melewati bukit dan hutan raya(2x) which means “I pass hills and great forest”. The phrase ”bukit dan hutan raya” (2x) which means “hills and great forest”. The word ”bukit” (2x) which means “hills” or a higher land. While ”hutan raya” (2x) which means “great forest” or a “forest for research and recreational purposes”. The phrase ”bukit dan hutan raya” (2x) which means “hills and great forest” was used by Chris to describe the objects in the landscape he saw on his trip from Balikpapan to Nusantara Point Zero.


Here are other examples of describing environment.


Sungai ( 2x) which means “River”

Chris menyusuri sungai dengan klotok ( 2x) which means “Chriss passes through the river on a boat”

Sawah (2x) which means “field”

Petani memanen padi di sawah (2x) which means “Farmers harvest the rice in the field.”


For your information, to reach Nusantara from Balikpapan, visitors will pass through the Soeharto Hills Great Forest Park. The 61 thousand hectares great forest park is in Kutai Kartanegara Regency and North Penajam Paser Regency, East Kalimantan Province. The spot was named Soeharto Hills after it was inaugurated as a natural tourism park area in 1991 during the era of the 2nd Indonesian President Soeharto.


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