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Tuesday, 09 April 2024 17:30

Tidak Sering

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This is “Mari Berbahasa Indonesia” or Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia, which introduces Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to speak in Indonesian language. Mari Berbahasa Indonesia or Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia is a collaboration between Voice of Indonesia and the Language Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research & Technology. Today’s topic is Di Samarinda (2x) which means “In Samarinda.”


Here is a conversation about “Tidak Sering(2x) which means “rarely or not often”. Chris, a vlogger from Australia, was talking to a shipping company staff in Samarinda, East Kalimantan. The staff answered Chris’s question about how long it may take to ship his motorcycle from Samarinda to Bali.

Chris (P)         : Berapa lama motor saya sampai di Bali?

Petugas (W)   : Kira-kira dua minggu.

Chris (P)         : Oh, cukup lama. Tapi tepat waktu, ya?

Petugas (W)   : Bisa saja terlambat jika cuaca buruk. Namun, hal itu tidak sering


Here are some vocabulary and expressions related to today’s topic. “Tidak Sering(2x) which means “rately or not often”. I will say it two times slowly, and please repeat after me.

namun (2x)

which means But

hal itu (2x)

which means That

tidak sering (2x)

which means not often or rarely

terjadi (2x)

which means Happen

Namun, hal itu tidak sering terjadi (2x)

which means But, that rarely happens.

berapa lama (2x)

which means How long

motor (2x)

which means Motorcycle

sampai (2x)

which means Arrive

kira-kira (2x)

which means Approximately

dua minggu (2x)

which means Two weeks

cukup lama (2x)

which means Quite long

tepat waktu (2x)

which means On time

terlambat (2x)

which means Late

cuaca buruk (2x)

which means Bad weather


In this conversation, there is the expression “Namun, hal itu tidak sering terjadi” (2x) which means “But, that rarely happens”. In the expression, there is the phrase tidak sering (2x) which means “rarely or not often”. The phrase tidak sering (2x) which means “rarely or not often", or something that happens in a low frequency like occasionally, or sometimes. In the complete expression, the phrase tidak sering (2x) which means “not often"or raely was used to tell that late shipping because of bad weather does not frequently happen.


Here are other examples.

Let’s listen to other uses of tidak sering (2x) which means “not often or rarely.

Saya tidak sering mengunjungi keluarga di Bali (2x) which means I rarely visit my family in Bali or I don't often visit my family in Bali.

Chris tidak sering mengendarai mobil (2x) which means Chris rarely drives his car.

For your information, in Indonesia, motorcycles are a popular private vehicle. The annual motorcycle sales in Indonesia is around 5 million units. Indonesians prefer motorcycles because they are more affordable than cars. Motorcycles are also more flexible for daily use.

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