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Monday, 06 May 2024 08:19

Turtle Toys

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Welcome back to “Mari Berbahasa Indonesia” or “Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia”, a segment that introduces you to Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to speak in the Indonesian language. “Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia” is a collaboration between Voice of Indonesia, the Overseas Service of Radio Republik Indonesia, and the Language Centre and Development Agency at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia. Today’s topic is “Di Pulau Sangalaki” which means “On Sangalaki Island”.


You will listen to a conversation entitled "Penyu-penyuan" which means "turtle toy". This conversation took place between Chris, an Australian vlogger, and a conservation officer on Sangalaki Island, Berau Regency, East Kalimantan Province. Chris tells us that he has never held a turtle before.


Petugas (W) : Pulau Sangalaki ini terkenal sebagai tempat konservasi penyu. Di sini pengunjung, terutama anak-anak, bisa berinteraksi dengan tukik atau anak penyu.

Chris (P)       : Seru, ya. Waktu kecil saya hanya bisa bermain dengan penyu-penyuan dari plastik.


I will introduce you to some vocabulary related to today's material.


waktu kecil (2x) which means childhood

saya (2x) which means I

hanya (2x) which means only

bisa bermain (2x) which means can play

dengan (2x) which means with

penyu-penyuan (2x) which means turtle toy

dari plastik (2x) which means from plastics

waktu kecil saya hanya bisa bermain dengan penyu-penyuan dari plastik (2x)

which means “When I was a child I could only play with plastic turtles.”

Pulau Sangalaki (2x) which means “Sangalaki Island”

terkenal (2x) which means “famous”

sebagai (2x) which means “as”

tempat konservasi (2x) which means “conservation site”

penyu (2x) which means “turtle”

pengunjung (2x) which means “visitor”

anak-anak (2x) which means “children”

berinteraksi (2x) which means “to interact”

tukik (2x) which means “hatchlings”

anak penyu (2x) which means “turtle hatclings”

seru (2x) which means “fun”


In the conversation, there is “Waktu kecil saya hanya bisa bermain dengan penyu-penyuan dari plastic” (2x) which means “When I was a child I could only play with plastic turtles” (2x). In this statement, the word penyu-penyuan (2x) means 'a toy that resembles a turtle' or simply 'a turtle toy'. In Indonesian, to express the meaning of 'a toy that resembles or imitates a certain object', the word that expresses the object is repeated and given the suffix -an, for example, mobil-mobilan (2x) which means 'a car toy' or 'a toy that resembles a car'.


Here are the other examples the words that mean imitation of objects in other sentences.


Mobil-mobilan (2x) which means ‘car replicas’ or 'car toys'

Anak-anak senang bermain mobil-mobilan (2x) which menas children like to play with car toys(2x)

Rumah-rumahan (2x) which means 'toy’s house'

Ibu membeli rumah-rumahan untuk anak perempuannya (2x) which means “Mum bought a toy’s house for her daughter


Sangalaki Island is located in Berau Regency, East Kalimantan Province. This 280-hectare island is home to hawksbill and green turtle conservation. The island is a habitat for hawksbill and green turtles because these turtle species favour sandy beaches as nesting sites that are free from sound and light sources and human presence.

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