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Friday, 07 June 2024 08:41

Vocational Schools' Smart TVs and Laptops Reach Industrial-Grade

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VOInews, Sukoharjo: SMKN 5 Sukoharjo, Central Java, has made a new breakthrough in the world of vocational education by producing Smart TVs and laptops. The two electronic products are handmade by students of the Network Engineering Expertise Programme. With the brand name Gen-IT, the teaching factory (Tefa) of SMKN 5 Sukoharjo Network Engineering Expertise Programme has received various orders. Not only that, the products from Gen-IT have also received a brand certificate in 2022.

Quoting the Ministry of Education and Culture's Vocational page, Ari Kurniawati, Head of SMKN 5 Sukoharjo, said that the existence of Tefa is very helpful for student competence. "The existence of Tefa in SMK is able to provide real experience. With work processes in accordance with industry SOPs, students are able to practice and learn directly,’ wrote Kemdikbud.


This was felt by Faiz Gilang Pratama, a grade XI student of the Network Engineering Expertise Programme. Having an interest at the beginning of entering SMK, he honed his skills so that one day he could compete in the world of work. ‘Learning at SMK provides facilities for me to learn many things, especially in the field of network engineering,’ said Faiz.

Faiz joined the production unit and was instructed to assemble various products, such as all-in-one laptops and smart TVs. They started assembling from start to finish, even installing windows and software. According to Faiz, with project-based learning, he feels free in choosing how to learn. This is in line with the Merdeka Belajar movement launched by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek). ‘The project of making Gen-IT products is my way of learning because I like practical learning style,’ explained Faiz.

In the past year, there have been 12 orders for Gen-IT products from the community and fellow school members. Waluyo, teacher of the Autotronics Expertise Programme, explained that the quality of these products is also not just any because the SMK production unit works closely with the industry. "The materials come from CV Estima as a supplier and PT Supertone Indonesia.
Later, when CV Estima gets an order, the students of SMKN 5 Sukoharjo will assemble it,’ said Waluyo.

According to Waluyo, this is a form of collaboration between vocational schools and industry. In addition, it can also have a big impact on students because the material can be directly implemented so that it opens up insights to have an independent business after graduation. SMKN 5 Sukahorjo also often participates in exhibition activities, one of which was Business Matching 2024 at Solo Technopark last May.


Source: Kemdikbud RI

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