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Wednesday, 12 June 2024 09:52

Daily Show

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Welcome back to “Mari Berbahasa Indonesia” or “Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia”, a segment which introduces you to Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to speak in the Indonesian language. “Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia” is a collaboration between Voice of Indonesia, the Overseas Service of Radio Republik Indonesia, and the Language Centre and Development Agency at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia. Today’s topic is “Di Bali” which means “In Bali”. Stay tuned!


Here is a conversation entitled "Pertunjukan Harian" which means "Daily Show". This conversation takes place between Chris, an Australian vlogger, and Widari, a member of a vlog community from Bali, while watching a kecak dance performance in Uluwatu. Widari told Chris that it was a daily performance.


Chris (P)    :   Tari kecak ini heboh, ya. Gerakan penari sangat energik dan kompak. Padahal, mereka menari tanpa iringan musik.

Widari (W):   Ya. Karena itu, tari kecak menjadi pertunjukan harian di sini. Setiap hari penontonnya penuh.

Chris (P) :    Apalagi, penonton juga disuguhi pemandangan matahari terbenam.


Here are some vocabulary related to today's material.


karena itu which means therefore

tari kecak which means kecak dance

menjadi which means to become

pertunjukan which means show

harian which means daily

di sini which means here

Karena itu, tari kecak menjadi pertunjukan harian di sini which means Therefore, kecak dance becomes daily show here

heboh which means excited

gerakan which means movement

energik which means energetic

kompak which means harmonious

padahal which means whereas

Penari which means dancer

iringan musik which means music accompaniment

setiap hari which means every day

penonton which means viewer

apalagi which means moreover

disuguhi which means to be presented

pemandangan which means panorama

matahari terbenam which means sunset


In conversation, there is you the statement Wow, banyak sekali anting ibu itu which means "Wow, that Lady put on a lot of earrings " In this sentence there is an interjection Wow! which means Wow! or Awe! which functions as an exclamation of admiration and amazement. The word wow which means wow or awe is used by Chris to express his amazement at the number of earrings worn by a Dayak woman he met.

In the conversation, there is the statement "Karena itu, tari kecak menjadi pertunjukan harian di sini" which means "Therefore, kecak dance has become a daily performance here" which. The statement contains the word harian which means 'daily' or 'every day'. The word harian, which means "daily" expresses the frequency of activities that are done every day. In the statement , the word harian is used to describe the kecak dance performance that is performed every day in Uluwatu.


Here are other examples of an adverbial word that expresses the frequency of an activity in relation to a unit of time.

Mingguan which means 'weekly' or 'every week' 

Saya mengikuti kursus bahasa Indonesia mingguan which means I attend a weekly Indonesian language course

Bulanan which means monthly or 'every month'

Penari kecak di sini menerima gaji bulanan which means The kecak dancers here receive a monthly salary. 


Kecak dance is one of the traditional Balinese dances. Kecak dance is usually performed by dozens of male dancers. They sit in a circle, move, and sing together. The distinctive sound heard is 'cak-cak-cak'. The sound makes this dance called kecak dance. Kecak dance is inspired from the epic stories of the Ramayana. 

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